King IVTM Detailed Report at 10 Apr 2018 | ||
Kumba Iron Ore Limited Registration Number: 2005/015852/06 |
Run Date: 1/26/2025 3:34:50 AM |
Principle 1 | The governing body should lead ethically and effectively. | ||
King IV™ Outcome | King IV™ Reference | ||
The Board of directors exercises effective leadership, adhering to the duties of a director. The directors have the necessary skills, knowledge and expertise and act ethically in discharging their responsibility in the best interest of the company. None of the board members have been found not to be in good standing with relevant authorities. | Ethical Culture Legitimacy | K IV™ P1 Prac 1.a.i | |
Directors are required to avoid a situation where they may have a direct or indirect interest that conflicts with the Company’s interests. Directors disclose conflicts of interest at every meeting in terms of section 75 of the Companies Act. Directors present an updated list of their directorships and interests to the Company Secretary on a quarterly basis; the comprehensive list is tabled at each quarterly Board meeting. At the beginning of each Board meeting, Board members and Committee members are also required to disclose any conflict of interest in respect of a matter on the agenda. Any such conflicts are proactively managed as determined by the Board, subject to legal provisions. The Board has approved policies governing the management of conflicts of interest, the protection of confidential information, and dealing in the Company’s shares that provides relevant guidance to Board members. The board considers and take note of declarations of interests, solicited on a quarterly basis, of its directors' interests in the group, external shareholding and other directorships so as to determine whether there are any actual or potential conflicts of interest. The register containing the directors' declarations of interest is kept by the Company Secretary and is considered at each scheduled meeting of the board. | Ethical Culture Effective Control | K IV™ P1 Prac 1.a.ii | |
The Board has endorsed the Anglo American group values of safety, care and respect, integrity, accountability, collaboration and innovation which are included in the code of conduct. Directors steer the Company in the right direction through a combination of strategy, effective leadership and sound corporate governance. | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P1 Prac 1.a.iii | |
The Board is confident that the Anglo American Group Business Integrity Policy ("BIP") and Performance Standards as well as the Code of Conduct ("CoC"), endorsed by Kumba (available on the company’s website) are sufficiently robust to sustain our ethical principles and that adequate processes are built into the assurance system to manage and ensure group-wide compliance with these principles. Management has been delegated the responsibility for implementation and execution of the BIP and CoC. The role of the Kumba Board of directors is to promote and safeguard the long-term success of the business, while considering the interests of its various stakeholders. The Board has delegated responsibility to the Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee (Setco) for the oversight and reporting of Kumba‘s social, environmental and governance performance. The Board plays a pivotal role in the promotion of sound corporate governance which is integral to the running of an organisation and delivering governance outcomes such as an ethical culture, good performance, effective control and legitimacy. | Ethical Culture Effective Control | K IV™ P1 Prac 1.a.iv | |
Directors sufficiently familiarise themselves with the general content of applicable laws, rules, codes and standards in order to be able to discharge their legal duties. Regular training is provided to ensure directors are kept up to date on regulatory or governance changes that might affect the company. The Company’s induction programme for new directors and training plan for existing Board members aim to holistically address all aspects of being a director, including an understanding of the JSE Listings Requirements, the legal and regulatory framework of the industry, the Kumba operations, and other matters deemed important in ensuring that the directors are able to exercise their fiduciary duties adequately. Each newly appointed director is inducted through a tailor-made “induction plan”, that specifically focuses on their individual needs and areas of interest. Directors have unrestricted access to all the group information, records, documents and facilities through the Chairperson of the Board, the Chief Executive Officer and the office of the Company Secretary. | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P1 Prac 1.b.i | |
The Nominations and Governance Committee recommends the appointment of new directors for approval by the Board according to a strategy and succession plan adopted by the Board. The Board charter details the procedure for appointments to the Board. The Board’s broader diversity policy also applies to the appointment of new directors. The Nominations and Governance Committee, in applying the diversity policy, will make recommendations to the Board on prospective candidates based on merit and will consider candidates against objective criteria with due regard to the benefits of diversity, including gender, and the contribution that the candidate will bring to the Board. There is ongoing commitment from the Board to strengthen female representation. Comprehensive induction programmes over a number of days are conducted for all newly appointed directors, which include site visits to the operations. | Ethical Culture Legitimacy | K IV™ P1 Prac 1.b.ii | |
The Company’s induction programme for new directors and training plan for existing Board members aim to holistically address all aspects of being a director, including an understanding of the JSE Listings Requirements, the legal and regulatory framework of the industry, the Kumba operations, and other matters deemed important in ensuring that the directors are able to exercise their fiduciary duties adequately. Each newly appointed director is inducted through a tailor-made “induction plan”, that specifically focuses on their individual needs and areas of interest. The training programme is also designed to meet the existing and emerging needs of the Board. For the year under review, training was provided to the Audit Committee on South Africa’s economic outlook and challenges and the JSE’s proactive monitoring thematic review findings. Externally facilitated training sessions were provided to the Board on board liability with regard to climate change, cyber risks and the potential impact and decarbonisation trends (globally, mining and steelmaking). A Board risk workshop is held annually where political analysts are invited to provide views on the macro-political outlook. The theme for 2023 was “What is on the Horizon and Beyond”. The SA political landscape and trends as well as steel / iron ore and economic trends were shared at the risk workshop. The Kumba risk management process, the comprehensive risk profile and the risks and opportunities comparison was tabled for consideration. The Board followed a robust process to identify new risks and opportunities which will inform the risk profile for 2024. | Ethical Culture Good Performance | K IV™ P1 Prac 1.b.iii | |
In keeping with the spirit of sound leadership, the Board promotes strong principles of integrity within the Company, which aids in entrenching excellence in every facet of the business. The Board is the overall custodian of good corporate governance and is fully committed to the four governance outcomes (as described in King IV), namely an ethical culture, good performance, effective control and legitimacy. | Ethical Culture Good Performance | K IV™ P1 Prac 1.c.i | |
Kumba’s Board sub-committees oversee the integrated risk management process and receive regular feedback from management on all risk-related activities. The Board sub-committees regularly assess all risk governance structures and lines of defence to ensure that roles, responsibilities and accountabilities for identifying, managing, mitigating, reporting and escalating risks and opportunities within the Company are appropriately defined and responded to. The board operates a risk management framework and policy which integrates risk management into the core business strategy and functions. | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P1 Prac 1.c.ii | |
The Board is directly responsible for the governance of risk and approves the company's risk management framework and policy that gives effect to its set direction on risk. Each board sub-committee, in supporting the Board, is responsible for ensuring the effective monitoring of relevant top risks within its mandate, in compliance with the company's enterprise risk management framework and risk policy. The Board reviews and approves the risk tolerance and appetite on a quarterly basis to ensure effective delivery of the Company’s strategy in the context of a continuously changing operating environment. | Ethical Culture Effective Control | K IV™ P1 Prac 1.c.iii | |
Directors are required to use their best endeavours to attend Board and relevant sub-committee meetings, as prescribed in the Memorandum of Incorporation, where at all possible, and to devote appropriate preparation time ahead of each meeting to ensure that he/she is in a position to contribute to Board and Committee discussions and to make informed decisions on matters placed before the Board or Board Committee. | Good Performance | K IV™ P1 Prac 1.c.iv | |
The Board charter regulates the parameters within which the Board operates and ensures the application of the principles of good corporate governance in all its dealings. The charter sets out the roles and responsibilities of the Board and individual directors, including its composition and relevant procedures of the Board. The charter is aligned with the provisions of the Companies Act No 71 of 2008, as amended (the Companies Act), the JSE Listings Requirements, King IV and the Company’s Memorandum of Incorporation (MoI). | Ethical Culture Effective Control | K IV™ P1 Prac 1.d | |
The role of the Kumba Board of directors is to promote and safeguard the long-term success of the business, while considering the interests of its various stakeholders. The Board has the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that Kumba acts in the best interest of all its stakeholders. The Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee held accountability for overseeing management of Kumba’s most material sustainability issues. These include ensuring that Kumba remains a responsible corporate citizen, and that the Company attains its goals relating to social, transformation, permitting, regulatory compliance, risks and opportunities and ethics across the Company. The Committee's responsibilities included developing sustainable development policies and guidelines to manage these focus areas, monitoring performance against key indicators, and facilitating stakeholder participation, co-operation and consultation on key issues. Regular, proactive and meaningful engagements with our stakeholders is essential to developing trusted relationships, reinforcing our collaborative approach. | Ethical Culture Legitimacy | K IV™ P1 Prac 1.e.i | |
Kumba’s purpose is to re-imagining mining to improve people’s lives, using innovative thinking, enabling technologies and collaborative partnerships to shape an industry that is safer, more sustainable, and better harmonised with the needs of our host communities and society. We are delivering on this purpose through our active engagement in Anglo American’s FutureSmart MiningTM programme and sustainable mine plan (SMP) that include ambitious long-term targets aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), relating to three global sustainability pillars: being a trusted corporate leader, building thriving communities, and maintaining a safe and healthy environment. It was pleasing this year that Kumba's sites were both rated as over 90% compliant with the roll-out of the SMP. | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P1 Prac 1.e.ii | |
The Board of directors leads the company effectively, ethically and transparently, and focuses on steering the company in the right direction through a combination of strategy, effective leadership and sound corporate governance. Governance extends beyond mere legislative and regulatory compliance and the board strives to demonstrate and entrench a culture of good governance, risk management and good corporate citizenship. These efforts are aimed at ensuring that decisions are taken in a fair and transparent manner, based on an ethical framework that protects the interests of all stakeholders, while also holding decision-makers appropriately accountable. As good corporate governance is an ever evolving discipline, governance structures, practices and processes are actively monitored and revised from time to time to reflect best practice. | Ethical Culture Effective Control | K IV™ P1 Prac 1.f | |
The role of the Kumba Board of directors is to promote and safeguard the long-term success of the business, while considering the interests of its various stakeholders. Directors steer the Company in the right direction through a combination of strategy, effective leadership and sound corporate governance. Our Board of directors remains committed to adhering to the highest standards of corporate governance and ethics as per King IV, the Companies Act, the JSE Listings Requirements, other applicable regulations, and governance frameworks. | Ethical Culture Good Performance | K IV™ P1 Prac 2 | |
The Board plays a pivotal role in the promotion of sound corporate governance which is integral to the running of an organisation and delivering governance outcomes such as an ethical culture, good performance, effective control and legitimacy. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P1 Prac 3 | |
Principle 2 | The governing body should govern the ethics of the organisation in a way that supports the establishment of an ethical culture. | ||
King IV™ Outcome | King IV™ Reference | ||
The Kumba Board, through its Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee (Setco), ensures the implementation of the Anglo American Group Code of Conduct (CoC) and Business Integrity Policy BIP. The Code of Conduct was designed to makes the values of Anglo American more practical for both employees and associated third parties such as partners, suppliers and service providers. | Ethical Culture Good Performance | K IV™ P2 Prac 4 | |
The Board, through the Audit and Social, Ethics and Transformation Committees, is the ultimate custodian of ethics management as outlined in the Companies Act and King IVTM. | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P2 Prac 5 | |
The Board ensures compliance with the Code of Conduct is integrated into the strategy and operations of the Company; i.e. the ethical organisational culture is reflected in the Company's vision and mission; strategies and operations; its decisions and conduct; and the manner in which it treats its internal and external stakeholders. Kumba continues to identify and prioritise the material interests of our stakeholders, and we implement a comprehensive stakeholder engagement strategy and framework to address these interests. Kumba updated and presented to the Board, its stakeholder engagement policy and strategy in 2023. The strategy is closely aligned to the recently adopted Anglo American South Africa strategic stakeholder engagement strategy, adhering to its principles as well as integrating the processes and principles outlined in the Anglo American Social Way 3.0. Regular, proactive and meaningful engagements with our stakeholders is essential to developing trusted relationships, reinforcing our collaborative approach. In keeping with this, Kumba hosts regular stakeholder days at its operations bringing directors and the executive management together with national, provincial and local government, our labour unions, business partners, development partners, suppliers, host community groups and civil society, to discuss transformation and sustainability. Constructive feedback received through such an event and other engagement platforms, informs our strategic responses to stakeholder interests. | Ethical Culture Effective Control | K IV™ P2 Prac 6.a | |
Kumba safeguards its people, assets, legal position, reputation and the environment by understanding and managing risk, as well as ensuring we identify opportunities to best serve the long-term interests of all our stakeholders. This goal is at the core of the Anglo American group integrated risk management policy. This policy is supported by an integrated Risk Management Framework and underpinned by the operational risk management (ORM) standard and implementation guidelines. Kumba's risk management process involves identification and management of risks and align this to the strategic, operational, reputational and compliance objectives. The Code of Conduct provides guidance, among other things, how to conduct business with integrity. This is further outlined in the business integrity policy. | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P2 Prac 6.b | |
The Code of Conduct is published on both the intranet and on the website for ease of access and review. Regular Business integrity training is provided to all employees who may be exposed to bribery and corruption risks owing to the nature of their work. These include Kumba officials who interact with public officials, community leaders, or manage intermediaries or are involved in the development of new business. Anti-bribery training is provided to all senior management. The Code of Conduct is designed to ensure that the users can also refer to specific policies and standards when they are not sure of the “right thing to do”. | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P2 Prac 7.a | |
The Code of Conduct makes reference to various policies, including the Business Integrity Policy on how to behave ethically when conducting business activities with or on behalf of Kumba. | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P2 Prac 7.b | |
The Code of Conduct and Business Integrity Policy forms part of the employee induction pack. New employees are expected to familiarise themselves with both documents and sign a self-certification. Regular face-to-face workshops and online training sessions are also carried out at each site enabling employees to engage on the content of both policies. | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P2 Prac 7.c | |
The Board has the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that Kumba acts in the best interest of all its stakeholders. The Board has delegated responsibility to the Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee (Setco) for the oversight and reporting of Kumba‘s social and and governance performance. The Safety, Health and Sustainable Development Committee (SHSD) has the responsibility for oversight and reporting on environmental matters. | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P2 Prac 8 | |
The Board, through the Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee has delegated to Management the responsibility of implementing and execution of all policies, codes and standards including the codes of conduct and ethics policies. This is done through the Board charter and the Board Committees’ terms of reference. | Ethical Culture Effective Control | K IV™ P2 Prac 9.a | |
The Kumba disciplinary code provides guidance on applicable actions (i.e. sanctions and remedies), in instances of a breach of policy, including the Business Integrity Policy and the Code of Conduct. | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P2 Prac 9.b | |
The Board, through the Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee and the Audit Committee, reviews all whistleblowing reports and action taken by management. Breaches and control failures identified are shared with process owners for improvements. Reports raised cover a broad spectrum of concerns underpinned by our Code of Conduct, including ethical, legal, supplier relationships, safety and health, and human resources issues. All reports are confidential and reporters are able to submit their disclosure(s) anonymously. YourVoice incorporates technology that enables us to better protect confidentiality and personal information. All reports made are reviewed, assessed, and where necessary, investigated, including those reported internally through other channels. Corrective actions are taken where allegations are substantiated in accordance with our policies. The implementation and monitoring of recommended corrective actions or lessons learned remains a challenge given the recurrence of similar incidents. All whistleblowers are protected. Malicious whistleblowing reports are also strongly discouraged. | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P2 Prac 9.c | |
Kumba's ethical standards are outlined in the Business Integrity Policy, which are monitored by the Audit Committee as well as the Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee on a quarterly basis. The internal audit function also reviews the implementation of the policy standards annually. This forms part of the risk management and internal controls process (refer to the Integrated Report and the Sustainability Report for further information on the Company's ethics performance). | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P2 Prac 9.d | |
The Board has ensured that adequate internal structures are in place for the governance and management of ethics within Kumba. Management Committees under the stewardship of the Chief Executive Officer ensure that all ethical governance and management related matters a properly addressed. A dedicated resource has been made available to conduct and coordinate all related activities. This function is housed under the Company Secretary, who reports to the Chief Financial Officer. | Ethical Culture Effective Control | K IV™ P2 Prac 10.a | |
The Board keeps ethical leadership top of mind and ensures that has zero tolerance for unethical behaviour. The key focus areas are in response to observed high risk areas, through the risk assessment process. | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P2 Prac 10.b | |
Measures are in place to monitor the organisational ethics including ad-hoc and periodic conflict of interest declaration by the Board and employees. The Chairperson of the Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee outlines how ethics related matters are addressed in the Sustainability Report. The Management Ethics Committee investigates alleged and suspected matters and provides guidance in rectifying and/or mitigating the implementation thereof. | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P2 Prac 10.c | |
Annually the Social Ethics and Transformation Committee (Setco) outlines the perceived areas of concern and management develops implementation plans. This forms part of the Setco annual work plan. Analysis of the whistleblowing reports identified certain themes/trends, identified below, together with the key risks and employee engagement initiatives we implement to mitigate concerns reported. These are reported in the Sustainability Report under Governance and Management Approach. | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P2 Prac 10.d | |
Principle 3 | The governing body should ensure that the organisation is and is seen to be a responsible corporate citizen. | ||
King IV™ Outcome | King IV™ Reference | ||
The Board charter which is available on Kumba's website includes this responsibility. Delivering a sustainable future is one of Kumba's material issues as its fundamental to how Kumba conducts business. Kumba values the opportunity to improve the lives of the communities around our operations and recognizes that mining operations, by their very nature, affect the environment and therefore our approach to minimising our impact is based on prevention and mitigation. Kumba also supports the local economy through local economic development projects as guided by the Mining Charter in terms of Social Labour Plans and localised procurement. | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P3 Prac 11 | |
The Board ensures that Kumba as a responsible corporate citizen, proactively manages relationships with our stakeholders. Kumba ensures that the human rights of employees, host communities and business partners are respected in line with the South African Constitution and the "protect, respect and remedy' framework for the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) as well as the South African Mining Charter. The Anglo American Human Rights Policy and Framework underpins the Company's human rights policy. It describes how the policy links to Company standards, such as the Social Way, and what the Company's main human rights risks are. The responsible sourcing standard for suppliers reflects our determination to ensure an ethical supply chain that is free of modern slavery. | Ethical Culture Good Performance | K IV™ P3 Prac 12 | |
Kumba has a stakeholder engagement policy and strategy in place to identify and prioritise material interests of its stakeholders. Kumba's (Anglo American's) values as well as its strategies and conduct we developed to ensure that it is seen and acts as a corporate citizen. Overall accountability for sustainable matters including responsible corporate citizenship rests with the Board and has a Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee in place whose responsibility includes developing policies and guidelines to manage social, economic matters which are approved by the Board. The Safety, Health and Sustainable Development Committee sees to the development of policies and guidelines to manage safety, health and environmental matters. | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P3 Prac 13 | |
The Board through the Social Ethics and Transformation Committee oversees and monitors how the Company performs against its set targets for employee development, transformation and well-being, dignity in line with relevant legislation and policies (mining charter). | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P3 Prac 14.a | |
The Board charter which is available on Kumba's website includes this responsibility. Delivering a sustainable future is one of Kumba's material issues as its fundamental to how Kumba conducts business. Kumba values the opportunity to improve the lives of the communities around our operations. Kumba recognises that mining operations, by their very nature, affect the environment and therefore our approach to minimising our impact is based on prevention and mitigation (refer to the Integrated Report and the Sustainability Report for further information). Through the Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee as well as the Audit Committee the Board monitors Kumba's progress on its set targets on the implementation of its plans for economics transformation and tax policy. Kumba has a fully functional whistleblowing hot line as well as an effective internal audit function to detect and address fraud and corruption. | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P3 Prac 14.b | |
Kumba‘s purpose is to re-imagine mining to improve people‘s lives, using innovative thinking, enabling technologies and collaborative partnerships to shape an industry that is safer, more sustainable, and better harmonised with the needs of our host communities and society. Kumba is delivering on this purpose through our active engagement in Anglo American's FutureSmartMiningTM programme and Sustainable Mining Plan that include ambitious long-term targets aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), relating to three global sustainability pillars: being a trusted corporate leader, building thriving communities, and maintaining a healthy environment. A summary of the activities that contribute to the 12 UNSDGs, that Kumba has an impact on, is provided disclosed in the Sustainability Report. Community based initiatives are being implemented, through Social and Labour Plans. | Ethical Culture Good Performance | K IV™ P3 Prac 14.c | |
Kumba acknowledges that its activities results in the disturbance of the environment and it has a legal and social responsibility to minimise our planned impact and strives to eliminate unplanned events. Kumba's vision is to maintain a healthy environment, where it not only minimise impact, but also deliver positive and lasting environmental outcomes in the areas in which it operates. Kumba is innovating to transform the environmental footprint of its business as it works towards achieving stretch goals set in three key areas – climate change, biodiversity, and water use. This is done through effective rehabilitation measures, waste management and striving to use energy efficiently and to limit air pollution. For example Kumba seeks to have zero waste to landfill sites, protect endangered plant spices, and continue to measure and reduce dust from its activities. | Ethical Culture Good Performance | K IV™ P3 Prac 14.d | |
Corporate citizenship is the responsibility of the Board and the Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee and is charged with ensuring that proper arrangements are in place for Kumba to act and be seen as a responsible corporate citizen. These arrangements are outlined in the Board charter (available on the website). | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P3 Prac 15.a | |
Key focus areas a in relation to corporate citizenship are outlined in the Sustainability Report. | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P3 Prac 15.b | |
Both qualitative and quantitative data on the measures relating to corporate citizen are disclosed in the Sustainability Report. | Ethical Culture Good Performance | K IV™ P3 Prac 15.c | |
Kumba endeavours to foresee the general corporate citizenship requirements and needs for internal and external stakeholders and these are prioritised for implementation and are disclosed in the Sustainability Report. Employee safety remain one of the key future priorities and is being addressed through the implementation of Kumba's 'Elimination of Fatalities Framework' initiatives. | Ethical Culture Good Performance | K IV™ P3 Prac 15.d | |
Principle 4 | The governing body should appreciate that the organisation's core purpose, its risks and opportunities, strategy, business model, performance and sustainable development are all inseparable elements of the value creation process. | ||
King IV™ Outcome | King IV™ Reference | ||
As stipulated in the Board charter, the board's primary function is to determine the company's strategic direction. To achieve this, the board holds a strategy session annually. The Board, through the Strategy and Investment Committee, periodically assesses performance against approved strategic objectives. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P4 Prac 1 | |
This is stipulated in the Board charter (a copy is available on the company's website) i.e. the Board appreciates strategy, risk, performance and sustainability are inseparable. Kumba measures its performance against the measures of value linked to Kumba's values and this is used to determine whether we are acting responsibly towards our people, our environment and our stakeholders. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P4 Prac 2 | |
The Board has set in place, strategic pillars that support the strategy to ensure that it creates value for all its stakeholders. The Board, supported by the Strategy and Investment Committee, annually reviews the Company strategy. As part of the review of the strategy, the Board considers the risks that may impact on achievement of the strategy and also highlights opportunities that can be achieved in the quest to deliver sustainable value for all stakeholders. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P4 Prac 3.a | |
The Board has set in place strategic pillars that support the strategy to ensure that the Company creates value for all its stakeholders. The Board, supported by the Strategy and Investment Committee, annually reviews the Company strategy. As part of the review of the strategy, the Board considers the risks that may impact on achievement of the strategy and also highlights opportunities that can be achieved in the quest to deliver sustainable value for all stakeholders. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P4 Prac 3.b | |
The Company's strategy outlines the objectives to be achieved in the short, medium and long-term. In setting out the objectives to be achieved, the Board assesses the level of resources and capital required to ensure that the organisation is geared towards achievement of the set objectives. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P4 Prac 3.c | |
The directors are aware of their duty to act in the best interest of the Company, in good faith and with integrity which is to the benefit of stakeholders. When approving the strategy, the Board seeks to understand the needs and expectations of all stakeholders. In setting the strategy, the board strives to achieve a balance in meeting the expectations of all stakeholders and ensures that value to be generated is sustainable. | Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P4 Prac 3.d | |
The Board is aware of the interactions that occur between the various forms of capitals in the implementation of strategy. Therefore Board recognises that there is a trade-off required in implementing the capitals in order to achieve value for all stakeholders. Where there is negative impact as a result of application of the capitals, deliberate action is taken to off-set the impact on affected stakeholders. | Ethical Culture Legitimacy | K IV™ P4 Prac 3.e | |
The Board is aware of the interactions that occur between the various forms of capitals in the implementation of strategy. Therefore Board recognises that there is a trade-off required in implementing the capitals in order to achieve value for all stakeholders. Where there is negative impact as a result of application of the capitals, deliberate action is taken to off-set the impact on affected stakeholders. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P4 Prac 3.f | |
Kumba has adopted an integrated approach to ensure that strategy is translated into key performance and risk areas. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P4 Prac 4 | |
The Board has delegated the responsibility for the implementation and execution of strategy to management. The strategy is supported by several strategic initiatives, on which progress is monitored and reported through the Strategy and Investment Committee. | Good Performance Legitimacy | K IV™ P4 Prac 5 | |
The Board has delegated the responsibility for the implementation and execution of strategy to management. The strategy is supported by several strategic initiatives, on which progress is monitored and reported through the Strategy and Investment Committee. Management periodically reports back to the Board and the Strategy and Investment Committee on progress achieved against set strategy objectives. | Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P4 Prac 6 | |
The Board continually reviews activities throughout the value chain to ensure all the inputs (the various capitals) and activities yield required outcomes. The implications of our outcomes are reviewed to ensure that where there are negative consequences, action plans are put in place to address these. | Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P4 Prac 7 | |
The Board monitors and considers the Company's liquidity and solvency analysis on a quarterly basis. The going concern status of the Company is included in the Integrated Report and audited annual financial statements. The Audit Committee reviews a documented assessment by the management of the going concern premise of the Company. | Good Performance | K IV™ P4 Prac 8 | |
Principle 5 | The governing body should ensure that reports issued by the organisation enable stakeholders to make informed assessments of the organisation's performance, and its short, medium and long term prospects. | ||
King IV™ Outcome | King IV™ Reference | ||
Kumba follows a structured process for determining material matters to be included for reporting to stakeholders. The Integrated Report provides information that Kumba believes is of material interest to current and prospective investors, and to any other stakeholder who wishes to make an informed assessment of Company's ability to generate value over the short,medium and long term. The Board oversees and approves these material matters. | Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P5 Prac 9 | |
Kumba follows a structured process for determining material matters to be included for reporting to stakeholders. The Board is responsible for approval of the reporting framework used for reporting to the stakeholders. The reporting process for the suite of reports has been guided by the principles and requirements contained in International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), the IIRC’s International Framework, the GRI Standards, the King Code on Corporate Governance 2016 (King IVTM), the JSE Listings Requirements and the Companies Act No 71 of 2008. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P5 Prac 10 | |
Kumba follows a structured process for determining material matters to be included for reporting to stakeholders. The Board is responsible for approval of the reporting framework used for reporting to the stakeholders. On an annual basis Kumba issues the Integrated Report, Sustainability Report, Climate Change Report and Annual Financial Statements which are made available to all stakeholders. The reporting process for the suite of reports has been guided by the principles and requirements contained in International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), the IIRC’s International Framework, the GRI Standards, the King Code on Corporate Governance 2016 (King IVTM), the JSE Listings Requirements and the Companies Act No 71 of 2008. | Good Performance Legitimacy | K IV™ P5 Prac 11 | |
Kumba follows a structured process for determining material matters to be included for reporting to stakeholders. The Board is responsible for approval of the reporting framework used for reporting to the stakeholders. | Good Performance Legitimacy | K IV™ P5 Prac 12 | |
Kumba follows a structured process for determining material matters to be included for reporting to stakeholders. The Integrated Report provides information that Kumba believes is of material interest to current and prospective investors, and to any other stakeholder who wishes to make an informed assessment of Kumba’s ability to generate value over the short,medium and long term. The Board oversees and approves these material matters. | Ethical Culture Legitimacy | K IV™ P5 Prac 13 | |
Kumba applies a combined assurance model, which seeks to optimise the assurance obtained from management and internal and external assurance providers. Both financial and non-financial information contained in the suite of reports contained in the annual report have been assured by external assurance providers. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P5 Prac 14 | |
The Board is fully committed to the four governance outcomes as set out in King IVTM. A self-assessment was conducted against the 16 principles and the Board is satisfied that the group aligned with the principles and are mindfully overseeing the application of the relevant practices. The application of the King IVTM principles and adoption of the various recommendations set out in King IVTM are more fully detailed in our King IVTM application register which is available on the Company’s website. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P5 Prac 15.a | |
Kumba follows a structured process for determining material matters to be included for reporting to stakeholders. The Board is responsible for approval of the reporting framework used for reporting to the stakeholders. | Good Performance Legitimacy | K IV™ P5 Prac 15.b | |
Kumba follows a structured process for determining material matters to be included for reporting to stakeholders. The Board is responsible for approval of the reporting framework used for reporting to the stakeholders. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P5 Prac 15.c | |
Principle 6 | The governing body should serve as the focal point and custodian of corporate governance in the organisation. | ||
King IV™ Outcome | King IV™ Reference | ||
In keeping with the spirit of sound leadership, the Board promotes strong principles of integrity within the Company which aids in the entrenchment of sustained excellence in every facet of the business. The Board remains Kumba’s overall custodian of good corporate governance and is fully committed to the four governance outcomes, namely: an ethical culture, good performance, effective control and legitimacy. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P6 Prac 1.a | |
The Board contributes to, reviews and approves the policy, planning and strategy of the Company as presented by management inclusive of the budgets necessary for the implementation of the approved strategy. | Ethical Culture Effective Control | K IV™ P6 Prac 1.b | |
The Board adopted the Anglo American Code of Conduct and related ethics policies and ensures that the ethical performance of the Company and its representatives is pro-actively and effectively managed and reported on. The Board, through the delegation of authority framework, has set the direction and parameters for the powers which are to be reserved for itself, and those that are to be delegated to management via the Chief Executive Officer. Management provides quarterly updates to the Board on the implementation and execution of the approved policy, planning and strategy. | Effective Control | K IV™ P6 Prac 1.c | |
The Board, through the Audit Committee, ensures that the Company has in place appropriate financial reporting procedures and that those procedures are operating effectively to ensure the highest standard of reporting and disclosure. | Effective Control | K IV™ P6 Prac 1.d | |
The Board charter regulates the parameters within which the Board operates and ensures that the application of the principles of good corporate governance in all its dealings. Furthermore, the Board charter sets out the roles and responsibilities of the Board and individual directors, including the composition and relevant procedures of the Board. The Board charter is reviewed annually to ensure that it is aligned with statutory and regulatory requirements. A copy of the Board charter is available on the Company's website. | Effective Control | K IV™ P6 Prac 2 | |
The Board, inclusive of the Board Committees, is authorised to obtain outside legal, accounting or other independent professional advice as it considers necessary to carry out its duties and to secure the attendance of outsiders with relevant experience and expertise if it considers this necessary. | Effective Control | K IV™ P6 Prac 3 | |
The Board has a process in place for unrestricted access to all relevant Company information, records, documents and property as well as unrestricted access to management. | Effective Control | K IV™ P6 Prac 4 | |
In 2023 the Board met 5 (five) times which included 5 Board meetings. An annual board workshop and two training sessions were also held during 2023. Kindly refer to the Integrated Report for more information on attendance. | Ethical Culture Effective Control | K IV™ P6 Prac 5.a | |
The Board annually reviews its charter and is satisfied that it has fulfilled its responsibilities as set out in the Board charter and annual work plan. | Good Performance | K IV™ P6 Prac 5.b | |
Principle 7 | The governing body should comprise the appropriate balance of knowledge, skills, experience, diversity and independence for it to discharge its governance role and responsibilities objectively and effectively. | ||
King IV™ Outcome | King IV™ Reference | ||
The Board subscribes to a unitary Board structure with a balance of executive and non-executive directors. There will be a minimum of 4 (four) and a maximum of 14 (fourteen) directors as prescribed by the Company’s Memorandum of Incorporation. The Board on an annual basis considers its size, diversity, demographics, gender and skills requirements as part of the assessment of the Board and directors’ performance. | Ethical Culture Good Performance | K IV™ P7 Prac 6 | |
The Board considers whether there is an appropriate balance of knowledge, skills and expertise among the non-executive directors. The non-executive directors are considered to have the required skills and experience to have objective judgement on matters of strategy, resources, transformation, diversity and employment equity, financial and operational performance and policies impacting the business. | Ethical Culture Effective Control | K IV™ P7 Prac 7.a | |
The Board subscribes to a unitary board structure with a balance of executive and non-executive directors. The Board comprises of 10 (ten) non-executive directors of which 8 (eight) are independent and 2 (two) executive directors. Details of the Board composition can be found in the Governance Section of the Integrated Report. | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P7 Prac 7.b | |
The Board charter and Board Committee terms of references regulates the number of members qualifying to serve on a Board committee. The constitution of each committee is such that the necessary skills, knowledge and experience are utilised within the appropriate Committee. | Good Performance | K IV™ P7 Prac 7.c | |
The quorum necessary for the transaction of business shall be a majority of the directors as stipulated in the Board charter. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 7.d | |
The Board will consist of a minimum of 4 (four) and a maximum of 14 (fourteen) directors as prescribed by the Company's Memorandum of Incorporation. Furthermore, the majority will comprise non-executive directors, the majority of whom will be independent as defined in King IVTM. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 7.e | |
The Board considers its size, diversity, and demographics and effectiveness thereof on an annual basis as stipulated in the Board charter. Diversity at Board level is seen as an essential element in maintaining a competitive advantage. Robust discussions about challenging issues require deep insight, multiple angles and collective experience which is where the value of having a diverse Board lies. The Board diversity profile encompasses variables such as gender, race, culture, age, field of knowledge, skills and experience, ethnicity, competencies, philosophies, accomplishments and religion. A diverse Board will include and make good use of all the diversity attributes between members to the Board to encourage debate and make well rounded decisions. These diversity attributes will be considered in determining the optimum composition of the Board. The Board agreed that no voluntary targets be set for 2022 with the undertaking that the policy will be reviewed annually to assess whether or not to set voluntary targets. The Board currently has HDSA representation of 55%. The policy promoting boarder diversity will apply to the appointment of new directors and has been taken into account for purposes of succession planning for the Board. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 7.f | |
The Board considers 8 (eight) out of the 10 (ten) non-executive directors to be independent. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 8 | |
The Board comprises 2 executive directors - the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 9 | |
All facets of diversity, having regard to the Board's broader diversity policy, are considered in determining the optimal composition of the Board and its committees, which should be balanced appropriately to enable the Board to effectively discharge its duties and responsibilities. The Board diversity profile encompasses variables such as gender, race, culture, age, field of knowledge, skills and experience, ethnicity, competencies, philosophies, accomplishments and religion. A diverse Board includes and makes good use of all the diversity attributes between members of the Board to encourage debate and make well-rounded decisions. The Non-Executive Directors are considered to have the required skills and experience to have objective judgement on matters of strategy, resources, transformation, diversity and employment equity, financial and operational performance and policies impacting the business. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 10 | |
The Board approved a Board broader diversity policy which encompasses encompasses variables such as gender, race, culture, age, field of knowledge, skills and experience, ethnicity, competencies, philosophies, accomplishments and religion in line with the requirements of the JSE Listings Requirements. The Board agreed that no voluntary targets be set for 2022 with the undertaking that the policy will be reviewed annually to asses whether or not to set voluntary targets. The Board currently has HDSA representation of 55%. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 11 | |
Non-executive directors are subject to a tenure of nine years, which may be extended by a further period of no more than three years, where after those non-executive directors who have served for a period of 12 years must retire at the following annual general meeting and will not be eligible for re-election. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, a director shall cease to hold office should any event as contemplated in clause 26 of the Company’s Memorandum of Incorporation occur. The Memorandum of Incorporation (MoI) further stipulates that one-third of the Board members will retire from office at the annual general meeting and will be eligible for re-election. The directors to retire are those who have been in office longest since their last election or who were appointed during the year. The Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer are excluded in determining the rotation of retiring members. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 12 | |
Succession planning is important in ensuring continuity and strengthening of the collective skills and experience set of the Board. The Nominations and Governance Committee continually assesses the composition of the Board and its sub-committees. The Board is satisfied with the current Board and sub-committee compositions. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 13 | |
The Board is authorised by the Company's Memorandum of Incorporation to fill vacancies on the Board. The Nominations and Governance Committee recommends the appointment of new directors for approval by the Board according to a strategy and succession plan adopted by the Board. The Board charter details the procedure for appointments to the Board. The Board’s broader diversity policy also applies to the appointment of new directors. The Nominations and Governance Committee, in applying the diversity policy, will make recommendations to the Board on prospective candidates based on merit and will consider candidates against objective criteria with due regard to the benefits of diversity, including gender, and the contribution that the candidate will bring to the Board. There is ongoing commitment from the Board to strengthen female representation. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 14 | |
The Board charter details the procedure for appointments to the Board. The Nominations and Governance Committee recommends the appointment of new directors for approval by the Board according to a strategy and succession plan adopted by the Board. The Nominations and Governance Committee, in applying the diversity policy, will make recommendations to the Board on prospective candidates based on merit and will consider candidates against objective criteria with due regard to the benefits of diversity, including gender, and the contribution that the candidate will bring to the Board. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 15 | |
The Nominations and Governance Committee has procedures in place to ensure that candidates nominated for appointment to the Board have the necessary knowledge, skills, experience, competence required by the Board. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 16.a | |
The Nominations and Governance Committee, in applying the diversity policy, will make recommendations to the Board on prospective candidates based on merit and will consider candidates against objective criteria with due regard to the benefits of diversity, including gender, and the contribution that the candidate will bring to the Board. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 16.b | |
The Board, through the Nominations and Governance Committee, follows a formal procedure to ensure that candidates meet the fit and proper criteria as per the Companies Act, the JSE Listings Requirements and King IVTM. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 16.c | |
The Board determines the eligibility of non-executive directors retiring by rotation upon recommendation of the nominations and governance committee as stipulated in the Board charter which is available on the Company's website. Non-executive directors are subject to a tenure of nine years, which may be extended by a further period of no more than three years, where after those non-executive directors who have served for a period of 12 years must retire at the following annual general meeting and will not be eligible for re-election. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, a director shall cease to hold office should any event as contemplated in clause 26 of the Company’s Memorandum of Incorporation occur. The Memorandum of Incorporation (MoI) further stipulates that one-third of the Board members will retire from office at the annual general meeting and will be eligible for re-election. The directors to retire are those who have been in office longest since their last election or who were appointed during the year. The Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer are excluded in determining the rotation of retiring members. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 17 | |
In considering a candidate for nomination, the Board takes into account such candidate's professional commitments to ensure that a candidate so nominated will be able to fulfil the duties and responsibilities required by a member of the Board. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 18 | |
The Nominations and Governance Committee makes use of an external service provider to independently investigate credentials of candidates being considered for election. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 19 | |
A brief professional resume of each director standing for election / re-election at the annual general meeting is attached as an annexure to the notice of the annual general meeting. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 20 | |
A formal letter of appointment and induction programme are provided to directors upon appointment stipulating all relevant requirements, duties and responsibilities. | Good Performance Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 21 | |
The Company’s induction programme for new directors and training plan for existing Board members aim to holistically address all aspects of being a director, including an understanding of the JSE Listings Requirements, the legal and regulatory framework of the industry, the Kumba operations, and other matters deemed important in ensuring that the directors are able to exercise their fiduciary duties adequately. Each newly appointed director is inducted through a tailor-made “induction plan”, that specifically focuses on their individual needs and areas of interest. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 22 | |
The training programme is also designed to meet the existing and emerging needs of the Board. Each newly appointed director is inducted through a tailor-made “induction plan”, which plan specifically focus on their individual needs and areas of interest. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 23 | |
Regular briefings on changes in risks, laws and the business environment are provided at committee and Board meetings as well as at regular board workshops. The Company subscribes to the Institute of Directors Southern Africa's annual membership for directors to ensure continuing professional development. For the year under review, training was provided to the Audit Committee on South Africa’s economic outlook and challenges and the JSE’s proactive monitoring thematic review findings. Externally facilitated training sessions were provided to the Board on human capital strategy and oversight focusing on future of work and people, refresher training on the JSE Listings Requirements, Anglo Social Way 3.0, SDGs applicable to the Company and ESG metrics. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 24 | |
Directors are required to avoid a situation where they may have a direct or indirect interest that conflicts with the Company’s interests. Directors disclose conflicts of interest at every meeting in terms of section 75 of the Companies Act. Directors present an updated list of their directorships and interests to the Company Secretary on a quarterly basis; the comprehensive list is tabled at each quarterly Board meeting. At the beginning of each Board meeting, Board members and Committee members are also required to disclose any conflict of interest in respect of a matter on the agenda. Any such conflicts are proactively managed as determined by the Board, subject to legal provisions. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 25 | |
Directors disclose conflicts of interest at every meeting in terms of section 75 of the Companies Act. Declarations of Interest is a standing Agenda item for all Board and committee meetings. | Ethical Culture Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 26 | |
The Nominations and Governance Committee is responsible for assessing the independence of the directors on an annual basis. Independence is determined according to the Companies Act, JSE Listings Requirements and the recommendations of King IVTM, which takes into account, among others, the number of years a director has served on the Board. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 27 | |
The Nominations and Governance Committee and the Board on an annual basis considers the independence of all directors for the purposes of categorisation and takes into consideration whether a director is a significant provider of financial capital or funding to the organisation or an officer/employee/representative of such provider. | Ethical Culture Effective Control | K IV™ P7 Prac 28.a | |
Non-executive directors do not participate in any share-based incentive schemes offered by the Company. | Ethical Culture Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 28.b | |
The Board assesses the independence of all directors on an annual basis and takes into consideration whether the member is part of an organisation is a company, which owns securities in the Company, the value of which is material to the personal wealth of the director. In addition, all directors are required to disclose on an annual basis as well as quarterly and as and when required as per section 75 of the Companies Act to disclose all personal financial interests. | Ethical Culture Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 28.c | |
None of the members of the Board has been in the employee of the organisation as an executive manager or a related party to such executive manager. | Ethical Culture Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 28.d | |
None of the members of the Board has been the designated external auditor responsible for performing the statutory audit for the organisation, or a key member of the audit team of the external audit firm, during the preceding three financial years. | Ethical Culture Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 28.e | |
No one member of the Board is a significant or ongoing professional adviser to the organisation, other than as a member of the Board. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 28.f | |
The Board assesses the independence of all directors on an annual basis and takes into consideration whether the member is part of an organisation is a company, which owns securities in the company, the value of which is material to the personal wealth of the director. In addition, all directors are required to disclose on an annual basis as well as quarterly and as and when required as per section 75 of the Companies Act all personal financial interests. | Ethical Culture Effective Control | K IV™ P7 Prac 28.g | |
Two Board members are directors of a related party and this is fully disclosed in the Integrated Report. | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P7 Prac 28.h | |
Non-executive fees are based on a fixed fee and are not contingent on the performance of the organisation. The remuneration paid to executive directors is linked to performance and the basis of this is fully disclosed in the remuneration report as contained in the Integrated Report. | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P7 Prac 28.i | |
The capacity of each director is categorised in accordance with the guidelines set out in the JSE Listings Requirements and King IVTM. Non-executive directors are subject to a tenure of nine years, which may be extended by a further period subject to the assessment of such director’s independence as required by King IVTM. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, a director shall cease to hold office should any event as contemplated in clause 26 of the Company’s Memorandum of Incorporation (MoI) occur. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 29 | |
The Integrated Report provides details of directors' appointment and Board composition (refer to the Governance Section of the Integrated Report for further information). The composition and role of each Board committee are disclosed in the Integrated Report. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 30.a | |
The Board approved a Board policy promoting broader diversity at Board level. Diversity at Board level is seen as an essential element in maintaining a competitive advantage. Robust | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 30.b | |
Full disclosure regarding individual directors are included in the Governance Section of the Integrated Report. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 30.c | |
The Nominations and Governance Committee is responsible for assessing the independence of the directors on an annual basis. Independence is determined according to the Companies Act, JSE Listings Requirements and the recommendations of King IVTM, which takes into account, among others, the number of years a director has served on the Board. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 30.d | |
Full disclosure with regards to the composition of the Board, including qualifications and experience of members are contained in the Governance Section of the Integrated Report. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 30.e | |
Disclosure on dates of appointment for each member of the Board can be found in the Governance Section of the Integrated Report. | Ethical Culture Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 30.f | |
The Integrated Report (Governance Section) contains details of the ages of each member of the Board. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 30.g | |
Disclosure on other governing body and professional positions held by each member of the Board are disclosed on a quarterly basis and these records are maintained by the Company Secretary. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 30.h | |
When an individual ceases to be a director of Company, reasons thereof are provided in the SENS announcement and the Integrated Report. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 30.i | |
The Chairperson of the Board is an independent non-executive director and is included in the rotation of directors. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 31 | |
The Chairperson of the Board is not a former chief executive officer of the Company and he is an independent non-executive director. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 34 | |
The Nominations and Governance Committee and the Board takes into consideration the number of professional positions held by all members including the Chairperson when they are appointed to the Board. The Board has adopted a guideline on directorships on other boards which takes into consideration the following factors when evaluating an application by a board member to serve on another board or when recruiting a new board member:
| Ethical Culture Effective Control | K IV™ P7 Prac 35 | |
The Chairperson of the Board attends meetings of the Audit Committee as a standing invitee only. | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P7 Prac 36.a | |
The Board Chairperson is not the chairperson of the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee. The Committee is chaired by an independent non-executive director. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 36.b | |
The Chairperson of the Board also chairs the Nominations and Governance Committee. | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P7 Prac 36.c | |
Kumba’s Board sub-committees oversee the risk management process and receives regular feedback from management on all risk-related activities with their area of responsibility. The Chairperson of the Board attends all committee meetings as an invitee save for the Nominations and Governance Committee of which he is the Chairperson. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 36.d | |
The Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee is chaired by an independent non-executive director. | K IV™ P7 Prac 36.e | ||
The succession plan for the Chairperson of the Board is the responsibility of the Nominations and Governance Committee as set out in the Committee's terms of reference. | Good Performance | K IV™ P7 Prac 37 | |
The Integrated Report discloses details of the Chairperson of the Board and clearly states that the Chairperson is an independent non-executive director. | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P7 Prac 38.a | |
Principle 8 | The governing body should ensure that its arrangements for delegation within its own structures promote independent judgement, and assist with balance of power and the effective discharge of its duties. | ||
King IV™ Outcome | King IV™ Reference | ||
There are five Board committees, namely the Audit Committee; Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee (Setco); Human Resources and Remuneration Committee (Remco); Strategy and Investment Committee (Stratco) and Nominations and Governance Committee (NomGov). The establishment of a Safety, Health and Sustainable Development Committee (SHSD) was approved by the Board on 11 November 2022. Each committee consists of a minimum of three members, as contained in the terms of reference. Each committee, including the Board, promotes strong principles of integrity within the Company and the Board remains the overall custodian of good corporate governance. Sound corporate governance provides a critical foundation, both for safeguarding stakeholder value and for achieving the Company’s key strategic focus areas. Independent Board oversight and guidance in relation to the operations and activities are key in driving compliance and embedding the highest levels of integrity and transparency throughout the Company. Through the governance structures and committees, decisions are made and responses generated to ensure value is created for the Company and its stakeholders.
| Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 39 | |
The Board charter sets out the role and responsibilities of the Board and although the Board may delegate some of its functions to either a committee or an individual director, this is done without abdicating its own responsibilities. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 40 | |
The delegation of of responsibilities, decision-making, delegated reporting responsibilities are clearly defined in the Board charter as well as the terms of references of the Board Committees. The Board rarely delegates responsibility to a single Board member, but have the authority to do so. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 41 | |
Each Board Committee has an approved terms of reference which is reviewed on an annual basis. The terms of references were approved in November 2022 and are available on the Company's website. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 42 | |
The terms of reference of each Board Committee deal with: composition; objectives, purpose and activities; delegated authorities - including the extent of power to make decisions; tenure; and reporting mechanism to the Board. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 43.a | |
The terms of reference of each Board Committee clearly stipulates the overall role and associated responsibilities of such committee. The terms of reference of each Board Committee is available on the Company's website. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 43.b | |
The terms of reference of each Board Committee deal with: composition; objectives, purpose and activities; delegated authorities - including the extent of power to make decisions; tenure; and reporting mechanism to the Board. | Ethical Culture Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 43.c | |
The terms of reference of each Board Committee deal with: composition; objectives, purpose and activities; delegated authorities - including the extent of power to make decisions; tenure; and reporting mechanism to the Board. | Ethical Culture Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 43.d | |
The terms of reference of each Board Committee sets out the reporting requirements appropriate to each Board Committee. | Good Performance Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 43.e | |
The terms of reference of each Board Committee clearly stipulates that each Board Committee is authorised to seek any information it requires from any employee of the group and all employees are directed to co-operate with any request made by the Committee. Such requests will be channelled through the Company Secretary. | Good Performance Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 43.f | |
The terms of reference of each Board Committee deal with meeting procedures (attendance, proceedings, frequency of meetings, Agendas, meeting documentation and written resolutions). | Good Performance | K IV™ P8 Prac 43.g | |
The terms of reference of each Board Committee outlines the requirement for performance appraisals and the process to be followed. | Good Performance | K IV™ P8 Prac 43.h | |
The terms of reference of each Board Committee details in which way the Committee should collaborate with other committees through cross-membership. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 44.a | |
The terms of reference of each Board Committee clearly sets out the specific role and positioning of each Committee where more than one committee has jurisdiction to deal with a similar matter to ensure that complementary rather than competing approaches. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 44.b | |
The Board, through the Nominations and Governance Committee, ensure that there is a balanced distribution of power in terms of membership across Committees. This ensures that no individual has the ability to dominate decision-making, and no undue reliance is placed on any individual. | K IV™ P8 Prac 44.c | ||
The Nominations and Governance Committee continually assesses the Board and its sub-committees’ composition. The Board is satisfied with the current Board and sub-committee compositions in terms of knowledge, skills and experience. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 45 | |
The terms of reference of each Board Committee clearly sets out requirements pertaining to composition and structure. | Effective Control | K IV™ P8 Prac 46 | |
Presentations by executive and senior management are provided on a quarterly basis. This provides the Board and sub-committees with an opportunity to interrogate matters under discussion in more detail and to engage with senior management on material issues. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P8 Prac 47 | |
Members of the Board are encouraged to attend Committee meetings of which they are not members, as invitees. | Ethical Culture Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 48 | |
The Board charter regulates the parameters within which the Board operates and ensures the application of the principles of good corporate governance in all its dealings. The charter sets out the roles and responsibilities of the Board and individual directors, including its composition and relevant procedures of the Board. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 49 | |
The Board charter and the terms of reference of each Board Committee clearly sets out the roles, responsibilities and functions of each body. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 50.a | |
Details pertaining to the composition, qualification and experience of each Board Committee member are disclosed in the Governance Section of the Integrated Report. | K IV™ P8 Prac 50.b | ||
Each Board Committee is authorised by the Board to obtain outside legal, accounting or other independent professional advice as it considers necessary to carry out its duties and to secure the attendance of outsiders with relevant experience and expertise if it considers this necessary. | K IV™ P8 Prac 50.c | ||
Each Board Committee's terms of reference include a work plan setting out key focus areas for each reporting period. Governance outcomes for 2022 and Actions for 2023 for the Board and the Board Committees are disclosed in the Integrated Report. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 50.d | |
The number of meetings held annually and attendance at such meetings are disclosed in the Governance Section of the Integrated Report. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 50.e | |
Disclosure in terms of fulfilment of responsibilities in relation to the Board and each Board Committee is contained in the Governance Section of the Integrated Report. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 50.f | |
The Audit Committee is established and constituted as a statutory committee of the group, as well as a Board committee approved by the Board. The Audit Committee engages the external auditors to provide assurance on the summarised financial information. An external assurance provider is also engaged on material sustainability issues. The Audit Committee evaluates the independence and quality of the external assurance providers on sustainability. The Audit Committee further ensures that combined assurance received is appropriate to address all significant risks facing the Company. The relationship between the external assurance providers and the Company is monitored by the Audit Committee. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 51.a | |
The Audit Committee reviews the entire suite of annual reports including the content of summarised information and the annual financial statements. The Audit Committee reviews the disclosure of sustainability issues in the Integrated Report to ensure that it is reliable and does not conflict with the financial information. In reviewing these reports, the Committee also consider the content of external reports and assurance providers. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 51.b | |
The Audit Committee reports to the Board on a quarterly basis, those matters which have been delegated to it, as the Board ultimately remains accountable for such delegated responsibilities. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 52 | |
The terms of reference of the Audit Committee set out its responsibilities regarding risk management. A copy of the terms of reference is available on the Company's website. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 53 | |
The Audit Committee has regard to all factors and financial risks that may impact on integrity of the external reports issued to the organisation. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 54 | |
Audit Committee members collectively have knowledge and experience on financial risks, financial and sustainability reporting and internal controls. Furthermore, three members of the Audit Committee also serves as members of the Strategy and Investment Committee. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 55 | |
All members of the Audit Committee are independent non-executive directors. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 56 | |
The Board determines and approves the composition of all Board Committees, subject to shareholder approval where required. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 57 | |
The Chairperson of the Audit Committee meets separately with management, and internal and external audit prior to Committee meetings. The Audit Committee meets separately with internal and external audit at least twice a year. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 58 | |
The Audit Committee monitors and reports on the external auditor's independence. The Audit Committee defines a policy for non-audit services provided by the external auditor which is reviewed and maintained frequently. A statement on whether the Audit Committee is satisfied that the auditor is independent of the Company is included in the Integrated Report. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 59.a.i | |
A statement in terms of the independence of the external auditor, effectiveness and tenure is contained in the 2022 annual financial statements. | Ethical Culture Good Performance | K IV™ P8 Prac 59.a.ii | |
Mr Sizwe Masondo was appointed as new lead designated signing partner at the annual general meeting in August 2020. He was re-appointed by shareholders in May 2022. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 59.a.iii | |
The Audit Committee considered and assessed the independence of both the external auditor and the lead independent audit partner and was satisfied that engagements were conducted at arm’s length. | Ethical Culture Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 59.a.iv | |
Disclosure in terms of significant accounting matters considered by the Audit Committee in relation to the annual financial statements, is contained in the annual financial statements (Report of the Audit Committee). | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P8 Prac 59.b | |
The Audit Committee reviewed the quality and effectiveness of the external audit process, based on the Committee’s own assessment, the views of management and PriceWaterhouseCoopers' own assessment, and found it to be satisfactory. Confirmation was obtained from PriceWaterhouseCoopers that no material matters had been raised in regulatory or internal reviews of the audit partner (refer to the Audit Committee's report as contained in the 2022 annual financial statements). | Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 59.c | |
The Audit Committee assessed the adequacy of the performance of the Head of Internal Audit, as well as the internal audit function, and found it to be satisfactory. The Committee furthermore reviewed and approved the annual internal audit coverage plan and charter and was satisfied with the internal audit arrangements. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 59.d | |
The Audit Committee discloses in the Integrated Report the nature and extent of material weaknesses in the design, implementation or execution of financial controls that resulted in material financial loss, fraud or material errors. (Only applicable in the event that there has been material financial loss, fraud or material errors resultant from weakness in financial controls). The Integrated Report includes commentary in any way the Committee considers appropriate on the financial statements, the accounting practices and the internal financial control of the Company. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 59.e | |
The results of the review of the finance function by the Audit Committee are disclosed in the Report of the Audit Committee contained in the annual financial statements. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 59.f | |
The Audit Committee has reviewed the Company's combined assurance model and has satisfied itself as to its completeness. The Committee is also satisfied that the Company has augmented the assurance coverage obtained from management, and from external and internal assurance providers, in accordance with an appropriate combined assurance model. | Effective Control | K IV™ P8 Prac 59.g | |
The Company has one committee known as the Nominations and Governance Committee that is responsible for both nomination and governance matters. The role of the Nominations and Governance Committee in selecting Board members is outlined in its terms of reference a copy of which is available on the Company's website. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 60.a | |
Succession planning is important in ensuring continuity and strengthening of the collective skills and experience set of the Board. The Nominations and Governance Committee continually assesses the composition of the Board and its sub-committees. The Board is satisfied with the current Board and sub-committee compositions. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 60.b | |
The Nominations and Governance Committee oversees the process and results of evaluations of performance and independence of individual directors, Board and Board Committees. In September 2022, an external Board appraisal process was facilitated under the auspices of The Board Practice. The appraisal process solicited each director’s views on the performance of the Board as a whole, the performance of the Chairperson of the Board, Company Secretary, the Board Committees and Committee Chairpersons. It is pleasing to report that the Board was assessed to be a professional and effective Board that functioned well in challenging circumstances. Key findings of the assessment were that:
An area of improvement identified was that Board members will benefit from training in further developments in decarbonisation, technology (both mining and IT) and cyber risks. | Good Performance Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 60.c | |
The Nominations and Governance Committee comprise of the Chairmen of all the following committees: Social, Ethics and Transformation, Audit, Strategy and Investment and the Human Resources and Remuneration Committees, whom are all independent non-executive directors. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 61 | |
The Risk and Opportunities Committee was dissolved on 16 July 2019 and risk and opportunities were allocated to the respective Board sub-committees where material risks within the respective Committees mandates are being dealt with on a quarterly basis. These risks and opportunities are then consolidated at Board level as the board remains ultimately responsible for the management of risks and associated opportunities. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 62 | |
Risks and opportunities were allocated to the respective Board sub-committees where material risks within the respective Committees' mandates are being dealt with on a quarterly basis. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 63 | |
The Board has established the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee that is responsible for all human resources and remuneration matters. The purpose of the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee is to ensure that the remuneration policy is fair and reasonable, while remaining compliant with regulatory and governance requirements and that remuneration practices deliver shareholder value. It also ensures the establishment of an appropriate remuneration framework and adoption of remuneration policies that aim to attract and retain top talent, support the Company’s long-term strategy and drive sustainable performance. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 65 | |
The Human Resources and Remuneration Committee comprises a majority of non-executive directors. In addition to the Committee members, the Chief Executive, the Executive Head of human resources and the Anglo American Head of reward attend Committee meetings. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 66 | |
The Chairperson of the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee is an independent non-executive director of the Board. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 67 | |
In line with the recommendations under Principle 8 of the King IVTM Report on Corporate Governance for South Africa 2016 (“King IVTM”); in terms of the Companies Act 71 of 2008, (S72 and Regulation 43) and mandatory as per the Johannesburg Securities Exchange (JSE) Listing Requirements (“LR”), the Board of directors of the Company resolved to establish a Committee of the Board to be known as the Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee (Setco). | Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 68 | |
The Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee, as a statutory committee, plays a pivotal role in exercising oversight of organisational ethics, social and economic development, good corporate citizenship, regulatory compliance, environment, health and safety, stakeholder engagement and labour and employment issues. The purpose of the Committee is to ensure that the Company’s activities positively impact its many stakeholders, including employees, communities, members of the public and the environment and to report on this to its shareholders on an annual basis. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 69 | |
The Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee comprises a majority of non-executive directors. In addition to Committee members, the executive heads of safety, health and environment, corporate affairs, and human resources attended Committee meetings. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 70 | |
Principle 9 | The governing body should ensure that the evaluation of its own performance and that of its committees, its chair and its individual members, support continued improvement in its performance and effectiveness. | ||
King IV™ Outcome | King IV™ Reference | ||
Given that an external evaluation of the Board, Board Chairperson and the Board committees is conducted biennially, the Board considered the value add of conducting an internally led evaluation in the intervening year and concluded that the internally led evaluations be discontinued as this will provide sufficient time to implement the recommendations from the externally led evaluation. An externally led Board evaluation was conducted in 2022 and finalised in 2023. The Board is in the process of implementing the recommendations from the externally led evaluation. In respect of 2023, an exercise was led by the Chairperson of the Nominations and Governance Committee where the Board as a whole reflected on the Board’s performance and that of the board committees and the performance was found to be satisfactory. | Good Performance | K IV™ P9 Prac 71 | |
The performance of the Chairperson is reviewed annually and an assessment was carried out whereby the Board as a whole reflected on the Chairperson's performance and his performance was found to be satisfactory. | Good Performance | K IV™ P9 Prac 72 | |
The Board has in place a Board charter charter and Committees' terms of reference describe the role, functions and duties of the Board, directors and Board committees and performs annual assessments whereby a formal performance evaluation is conducted every second year. | Good Performance | K IV™ P9 Prac 73 | |
Given that an external evaluation of the Board, Board Chairperson and the Board committees is conducted biennially, the Board considered the value add of conducting an internally led evaluation in the intervening year and concluded that the internally led evaluations be discontinued as this will provide sufficient time to implement the recommendations from the externally led evaluation. | Good Performance | K IV™ P9 Prac 74 | |
Given that an external evaluation of the Board, Board Chairperson and the Board committees is conducted biennially, the Board considered the value add of conducting an internally led evaluation in the intervening year and concluded that the internally led evaluations be discontinued as this will provide sufficient time to implement the recommendations from the externally led evaluation. An externally led Board evaluation was conducted in 2022 and finalised in 2023. The Board is in the process of implementing the recommendations from the externally led evaluation. In respect of 2023, an exercise was led by the Chairperson of the Nominations and Governance Committee where the Board as a whole reflected on the Board’s performance and that of the board committees and the performance was found to be satisfactory. | Good Performance | K IV™ P9 Prac 75.a | |
Disclosure of evaluation results are contained in the Governance Section of the Integrated Report. | Good Performance | K IV™ P9 Prac 75.b | |
Disclosure on satisfaction of performance and effectiveness improvement are contained in the Governance Section of the Integrated Report. | Good Performance | K IV™ P9 Prac 75.c | |
Principle 10 | The governing body should ensure that the appointment of, and delegation to, management contribute to role clarity and the effective exercise of authority and responsibilities. | ||
King IV™ Outcome | King IV™ Reference | ||
The Board is responsible for the appointment of the Chief Executive Officer as stipulated in the Board charter (a copy is available on the Company's website). | Good Performance | K IV™ P10 Prac 76 | |
The responsibilities of the Chairperson and the Chief Executive are clearly defined and separated, as set out in the Board charter. While the Board may delegate authority to the Chief Executive in terms of the Board charter, the separation of responsibilities is designed to ensure that no single person or group can have unrestricted powers and that appropriate balances of power and authority exist on the Board. The Chairperson is responsible for leading the Board and for ensuring the integrity and effectiveness of the Board and its committees. In contrast, the Chief Executive is responsible for the effective management and running of the Company’s business in terms of the strategies and objectives approved by the Board and is accountable to the Board through regular reports. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P10 Prac 77 | |
The Chief Executive Officer reports to the Chairperson (acting on behalf of the Board) and to the Board directly. The Chief Executive is responsible for the effective management and running of the Company’s business in terms of the strategies and objectives approved by the Board and is accountable to the Board through regular reports. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P10 Prac 78 | |
The Chief Executive Officer is not a member of the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee, the Audit Committee and the Nominations and Governance Committee as these Committees comprise of non-executive directors. | Effective Control | K IV™ P10 Prac 79 | |
The Chief Executive Officer is a member of the Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee, the Safety, Health and Sustainable Development Committee and the Strategy and Investment Committee and only an invitee to the Audit committee, the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee and the Nominations and Governance Committee. | Effective Control | K IV™ P10 Prac 80 | |
In November 2023, the Nominations and Governance Committee reviewed the succession planning for the Chief Financial Officer. Similarly, the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee reviewed the succession planning for executive management and senior management in the Company. These succession plans identified emergency successors and development plans are in place for successors where readiness levels of three to five years were indicated. Emphasis was also placed on strengthening the women pipeline. The committees will continue to monitor progress in this regard. | Effective Control | K IV™ P10 Prac 81 | |
The performance of the Chief Executive Officer is evaluated in terms of set key performance areas which is considered and reviewed by the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee on an annual basis. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P10 Prac 82 | |
The following is disclosed in relation to the Chief Executive Officer and other executives: - the notice periods; - contractual conditions, if applicable, related to termination. | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P10 Prac 83.a | |
Details of the Chief Executive Officer's other professional commitments are disclosed on the company's website under "our leadership" section. All other professional commitments of the Chief Executive Officer are required to be disclosed in terms of the Company's Conflicts of Interest policy. | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P10 Prac 83.b | |
A formal succession plan is in place for the Chief Executive Officer and is reviewed on a regular basis by the Nominations and Governance Committee. In November 2023, the Nominations and Governance Committee reviewed the succession planning for the Chief Financial Officer.
These succession plans identified emergency successors and development plans are in place for successors where readiness levels of three to five years were indicated. Emphasis was also placed on strengthening the women pipeline. The committee will continue to monitor progress in this regard. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P10 Prac 83.c | |
The Board approves and regularly reviews the delegation of authority framework in terms of which matters are delegated to the Chief Executive Officer and through him, to management. While the Board may delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer in terms of the Board charter, the separation of responsibilities and authority is designed to ensure that no single person or group can have unrestricted powers and that appropriate balances of power and authority exist on the Board. | K IV™ P10 Prac 84 | ||
The Board reviews and approves the delegation of authority framework which defines its own levels of materiality on a biennial basis. | Effective Control | K IV™ P10 Prac 85 | |
The Board is responsible for the appointment of the Chief Executive Officer who in turn is responsible for the selection and appointment of the Chief Financial Officer, in consultation with the Nominations and Governance Committee. The Board, through the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee and the Nominations and Governance Committee, provide input regarding senior management appointments, remuneration and succession plans. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P10 Prac 86 | |
The Board, through the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee and the Nominations and Governance Committee, provide input regarding senior management appointments to ensure individuals have the necessary skills, knowledge and competence required for the role. This includes the succession planning in respect of these roles. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P10 Prac 87.a | |
The Board charter clearly stipulates this responsibility and it is executed through its the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee and the Nominations and Governance Committee. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P10 Prac 87.b | |
The Board, through the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee and the Nominations and Governance Committee ensures that proper succession plans for executive management and other key positions are in place and that these are reviewed on an annual basis (short and longer term).
These succession plans identified emergency successors and development plans are in place for successors where readiness levels of three to five years were indicated. Emphasis was also placed on strengthening the women pipeline. The committees will continue to monitor progress in this regard. | Effective Control | K IV™ P10 Prac 88 | |
There is a clear division of responsibilities and authority between the executive responsibility for the running of the Company's business and the leadership of the board, such that no one individual has unfettered powers of decision-making. | Effective Control | K IV™ P10 Prac 89 | |
The Board appoints the Company Secretary through a formal process and recognises the pivotal role played by the Company Secretary in implementing and ensuring good corporate governance and coordination of the function of the Board and its Committees. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P10 Prac 90 | |
The Board is responsible for the appointment of the Company Secretary, who is accountable to the Board as prescribed by the Companies Act and works closely with the Chairperson in respect of all Board related matters as contemplated in King IVTM. The Company Secretary ensures that Board procedures are followed and reviewed and that applicable rules and regulations for the conduct of the affairs of the Board are complied with. | Effective Control | K IV™ P10 Prac 91 | |
As per the Board charter, the Board appoints the Company Secretary to assist the Board in fulfilling its statutory and governance duties. The Company Secretary plays a key role in providing guidance to the Board members on the execution of their duties, keeping the Board aware of relevant changes in legislation and corporate governance best practice. | Effective Control | K IV™ P10 Prac 92 | |
The Company Secretary has a direct channel of communication to the Chairperson, while maintaining an arm's-length relationship with the Board and the directors as far as reasonably possible. | Effective Control | K IV™ P10 Prac 93 | |
As prescribed by the JSE Listings Requirements, the Board annually conducts an assessment of the competence, qualifications and experience of the Company Secretary to ensure that guidance and support provided is independent and at the highest level of decision-making in the organisation. An assessment of the Company Secretarial function was carried out by the Nominations and Governance committee on behalf of the Board. The results confirmed that the function continues to demonstrate the requisite level of knowledge and experience to carry out its duties. The Board is also comfortable that an arm’s length relationship is maintained with individual directors and confirms that the Company Secretary is not a director of the Company or any of its subsidiaries. | Good Performance | K IV™ P10 Prac 94 | |
The Board appoints and removes the Company Secretary and empower the Company Secretary to enable her to fulfil her duties. | Effective Control | K IV™ P10 Prac 95 | |
The Company Secretary has a direct channel of communication to the Chairperson, while maintaining an arm's-length relationship with the Board and the directors as far as reasonably possible. The Company Secretary is not a director of the Company or any of its subsidiaries. | Effective Control | K IV™ P10 Prac 96 | |
The Company Secretary is accountable to the Board as prescribed by the Companies Act and works closely with the Chairperson in respect of all Board related matters. For other duties and administrative matters, the Company Secretary reports to the Chief Financial Officer. | Effective Control | K IV™ P10 Prac 97 | |
The Board, through the Nominations and Governance Committee, annually conducts a performance assessment to ensure that the Company Secretary has the necessary competence, skills and knowledge.
An assessment of the Company Secretary and secretarial function was conducted by the Nominations and Governance Committee on behalf of the Board. The results confirmed that the Company Secretary had the requisite level of knowledge and experience to discharge her duties and maintains an arm’s length relationship with the Board. | Good Performance | K IV™ P10 Prac 98 | |
The Company has a permanent internally appointed Company Secretary together with a well resourced company secretarial team who subscribe to other governance service providers such as the IODSA and Ethics Institute. The Board is comfortable that no additional professional governance services are required, unless specified. A statement is contained in the Governance Section of the Integrated Report. | Ethical Culture Effective Control | K IV™ P10 Prac 99 | |
Principle 11 | The governing body should govern risk in a way that supports the organisation in setting and achieving strategic objectives. | ||
King IV™ Outcome | King IV™ Reference | ||
The Company operates a risk management framework and policy which integrates risk management into the core business strategy and functions. Risk management is not limited solely to risks that may adversely affect the Company’s ability to achieve its objectives, but also deals with identifying and seizing new opportunities linked to the identified risks. | Effective Control | K IV™ P11 Prac 1.a | |
The Company operates a risk management framework and policy which integrates risk management into the core business strategy and functions. Risk management is not limited solely to risks that may adversely affect the Company’s ability to achieve its objectives, but also deals with identifying and seizing new opportunities linked to the identified risks. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P11 Prac 1.b | |
The Board, through its sub-committees, continually defines and reviews the risk appetite and tolerance levels to determine internal boundaries for prudent decision-making, risk taking and highly efficient governance. This process takes into consideration the leading and lagging indicators for each risk, as well as the effectiveness of the control strategy put in place to mitigate such risks. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P11 Prac 2 | |
An Integrated Risk Management policy and framework are in place to ensure the execution of Kumba's risk management programme. The Board annually reviews the Company's Integrated Risk Management Policy and Framework to ensure that it remains relevant in the continuous changing environment in which the Company operates. The Board further reviews and considers, on a periodic basis, the risk appetite and tolerance levels for the Company. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P11 Prac 3 | |
Kumba defines risk appetite as the nature and extent of the risk the Company is willing to accept in the pursuit of its objectives; risk tolerance refers to the organisation’s strategic capacity to accept or absorb risk. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P11 Prac 4.a | |
To measure risk appetite, the Company has developed a matrix that combines an assessment of the consequences of our risks with the status of management actions and/or internal controls that prevent or mitigate that risk. Risks that have significant consequences will be within appetite if controls or management actions are in place. Risks can only exceed appetite if a significant consequence is not sufficiently controlled or management actions have not yet been implemented to an extent that the risks can be described as being effectively managed. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P11 Prac 4.b | |
Management takes responsibility for ensuring that internal controls are in place and operate effectively across the company in contributing to the delivery of business objectives. The Board Committees provide oversight on risk management activities conducted by management to ensure that these are carried out in line with the policy and the plan approved by the Board. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P11 Prac 5 | |
Risks and opportunities were allocated to the respective Board sub-committees where key and material risks within the respective Committees mandates are being dealt with on a quarterly basis. | Effective Control | K IV™ P11 Prac 6.a | |
The Board is accountable for ensuring that the company operates optimally through the utilisation of available capital resource to generate sustainable value for all stakeholders. The Board approves the appetite and tolerance levels to guide management to ensure that the achievement of business performance objectives does not come at the cost of unacceptably high risk. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P11 Prac 6.b | |
The Board is accountable for ensuring that the Company operates optimally through the utilisation of available capital resource to generate sustainable value for all stakeholders. The Board approves the appetite and tolerance levels to guide management to ensure that the achievement of business performance objectives does not come at the cost of unacceptably high risk. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P11 Prac 6.c | |
Management is responsible for the on-going review of the business environment to identify and assess risk exposure and implement risk mitigation strategies to manage/eliminate identified risks. The Board Committees, on behalf of the Board, periodically reviews risks reported by management to determine the key and material risks to which the Company may be exposed to and to consider, note and if necessary, comment on the strategy for managing those risks. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P11 Prac 6.d | |
The Audit Committee reviews the adequacy of the business continuity management programme to ensure that parameters for managing the Company’s risk exposure to significant events as outlined in the Business Continuity Management policy. This will ensure the continued operation of the business and safeguard the interest of the Company’s key stakeholders, its reputation, brand and value creating activities. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P11 Prac 6.e | |
The coverage of Kumba's risk management activities covers all key operations and support functions and, in addition, ensures there are adequate monitoring and control functions responsible for the various lines of defence within the Company’s combined assurance framework. Management through their daily review activities are the first line of defence and this ensures that the risk management plan is integrated in the daily activities of the Company. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P11 Prac 6.f | |
The Board considered the assessment from internal audit on the effectiveness of system of internal controls and risk management process. It also considered the outcome of the annual assessment of the internal audit function. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P11 Prac 7 | |
The Board and its sub-committees review management reports on Integrated Risk Management. This includes review of the risks to ensure that they are within tolerance and appetite levels set by the Board. These are assessed on a quarterly basis by the respective Board Committees and consolidated at Board level. | Effective Control | K IV™ P11 Prac 8 | |
The Board itself and additionally through its sub committees reviews management reports on Integrated Risk Management to ensure that risk assessments, mitigating measures and interventions are effective. | Effective Control | K IV™ P11 Prac 9.a | |
All high risks that are likely to have a material impact on Kumba are reported by management to the Board Committees and in consolidated format to the Board. Risk appetite and tolerance is high on the Board’s agenda and is a core consideration of Kumba's enterprise risk management approach. If a risk exceeds tolerance, it will threaten the achievement of objectives and may require a change in strategy. Risks that are approaching the limit of Kumba’s risk appetite levels may require management actions to be accelerated or enhanced in order to ensure the risks remain within acceptable levels. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P11 Prac 9.b | |
Disclosure on the Board's views on the effectiveness of the Company's risk management processes is included in the Integrated Report. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P11 Prac 9.c | |
Kumba discloses key focus areas and identified opportunities which are part of management future focus areas. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P11 Prac 9.d | |
Principle 12 | The governing body should govern technology and information in a way that supports the organisation setting and achieving its strategic objectives. | ||
King IV™ Outcome | King IV™ Reference | ||
The Board has delegated its responsibility for IT governance to its Audit Committee. The Committee reports to the Board at every Board meeting following its Committee meetings held 4 times a year. | Effective Control | K IV™ P12 Prac 10 | |
Kumba has endorsed the IT Charter and various IT policies and procedures put in place by Anglo American to ensure that the Company has the required IT governance structure in place to support the business and its strategy. | Effective Control | K IV™ P12 Prac 11 | |
Management is responsible for the implementation of all the structures, processes and mechanisms for the IT governance framework. | Effective Control | K IV™ P12 Prac 12 | |
Yes; the IT strategy is integrated with the Company's strategic and business processes. | Effective Control | K IV™ P12 Prac 13.a | |
The Audit Committee assists the board in carrying out its IT governance responsibilities by ensuring that IT risks are adequately addressed through its risk management and monitoring processes. In addition to IT risks being reported as part of the standard Company risk management process, IT risks are presented to the Audit Committee as part of the annual reporting cycle. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P12 Prac 13.b | |
Regular disaster recovery tests are carried out at all sites; the plans and results of these tests are reported to the Audit Committee. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P12 Prac 13.c | |
Proactive monitoring of all IT systems and processes are conducted by management in order to ensure that IT risks are timeously identified and adequately addressed. The findings of these monitoring exercises are reported regularly to the Audit Committee and to the Board. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P12 Prac 13.d | |
All IT procurement follows the standard supply chain procurement processes and service level agreements are in place to manage the performance of third-party and outsourced services. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P12 Prac 13.e | |
Significant IT investments and projects are reported to the Audit Committee which is in turn reported to the Board by the Audit Committee Chairperson. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P12 Prac 13.f | |
The Company has service level agreements in place with technology service providers for the removal and disposal of obsolete technology and information that has regard to the environmental impact and information security. | Ethical Culture Effective Control | K IV™ P12 Prac 13.g | |
An acceptable use policy is in place to define the ethical and acceptable use of the Company's IT and information systems. Training are also provided to employees to ensure adherence and compliance to the policy. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P12 Prac 13.h | |
IM performs self-assessments to ascertain the degree of compliance with relevant laws and regulations; the outcome of these is presented to the Audit Committee. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P12 Prac 13.i | |
The Board exercises oversight of the information management of the Company through the Audit Committee in order to sustain and enhance the organisation's intellectual capital. | Effective Control | K IV™ P12 Prac 14.a | |
The Information Security Management System, which protects and enhances the confidentiality, integrity and availability of all information and systems, is in place and has been reviewed by the Audit Committee. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P12 Prac 14.b | |
IT ensures that adequate security is in place to protect all Company information, which includes personal information. Various policies and processes are in place, implemented by human resources and information management, to ensure the protection and privacy of personal information. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P12 Prac 14.c | |
IM is mandated with the responsibility and has developed mechanisms and processes to protect the security of information and information systems. Regular reports are submitted to the Audit Committee addressing the various security mechanisms in place and their efficacy. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P12 Prac 14.d | |
The IT strategy is presented to the executive committee each year. This is in turn presented to the Audit Committee and the Board. Two members of the executive committee are Board members. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P12 Prac 15.a | |
Although the sourcing of technology occurs externally to the company (via the Anglo American Group), the Audit Committee exercises oversight to mitigate any potential risks pertaining to the sourcing of such technology. | Effective Control | K IV™ P12 Prac 15.b | |
Although the monitoring and responses to technology occurs externally to the Company (via the Anglo American Group), the Audit Committee exercises oversight to mitigate any potential risks including the capturing of any opportunities. | Effective Control | K IV™ P12 Prac 15.c | |
Independent assurance over IT controls is provided by both internal audit and external auditors. | Effective Control | K IV™ P12 Prac 16 | |
The arrangements in place for governing and managing technology and information risks and mitigating actions are disclosed in the Integrated Report. | Effective Control | K IV™ P12 Prac 17.a | |
Key focus areas in relation to technology and information during the reporting period is disclosed in the Integrated Report. | Effective Control | K IV™ P12 Prac 17.b | |
Actions to monitor the effectiveness of technology and information management are disclosed in the Integrated Report. | Effective Control | K IV™ P12 Prac 17.c | |
Further actions to enhance governance outcomes in relation to technology and information are disclosed in the Integrated Report. | Effective Control | K IV™ P12 Prac 17.d | |
Principle 13 | The governing body should govern compliance with applicable laws and adopted, non-binding rules, codes and standards in a way that supports the organisation being ethical and a good corporate citizen. | ||
King IV™ Outcome | King IV™ Reference | ||
The Company has established a regulatory compliance function to ensure compliance with all applicable laws. The Management Risk Committee and the Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee regularly reviews compliance reports and monitors the implementation of the compliance audit plan in line with its identified regulatory compliance universe. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P13 Prac 18 | |
The Board has approved a compliance policy and framework that is reviewed annually. Regular reports are provided to the Board through the Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee on the implementation of the policy. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P13 Prac 19 | |
The responsibility of the implementation and execution of compliance management is delegated amongst other, to a designed compliance officer/manager, who reports on the Company's level of regulatory compliance to the applicable mining and related legislation, regulations, standards, best practices and codes that have been identified to be of importance. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P13 Prac 20 | |
Compliance with applicable laws is clearly understood not only in terms of the obligations that they create, but also for the rights and protection that they afford. This forms the basis of the Company's regulatory universe which includes all relevant legislation that affects Kumba such as labour, the licence to operate (MPRDA), environment which is analysed in terms of its obligations and the rights and protection of its stakeholders. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P13 Prac 21.a | |
The oversight role of the Board is exercised in terms of the enterprise risk management compliance framework and methodology as set out in the compliance policy. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P13 Prac 21.b | |
Continuous regulatory compliance monitoring of controls is conducted by, amongst others, the regulatory compliance manager and quarterly compliance reports are submitted to the Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee which reports back to the Board. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P13 Prac 21.c | |
The internal audit function performed by ABAS has tested the group’s internal financial controls in order to provide the Board with assurance on the key areas of the group’s internal financial controls. These systems are designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance as to the integrity and reliability of the financial statements and to safeguard, verify and maintain accountability of its assets, as well as to detect and minimise significant fraud, potential liability, loss and material misstatement, while complying with applicable laws and regulations. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P13 Prac 22 | |
An overview of the arrangements for governing and managing compliance is disclosed in the Integrated Report (Governance Section). | Effective Control | K IV™ P13 Prac 23.a | |
Key focus areas for compliance during the reporting period are disclosed in the Integrated Report (Governance Section and Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee report). | Effective Control | K IV™ P13 Prac 23.b | |
Kumba continues to implement the integrated Anglo American group compliance management system, which covers key topics such as business integrity, competition compliance, tax and data privacy. In deploying an updated approach to intermediary risk management, Kumba seeks to ensure that all potential third parties that act on its behalf are identified and risk assessed, with appropriate risk-mitigation controls put in place accordingly. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P13 Prac 23.c | |
Planned future focus areas for compliance are disclosed in the governance section and the Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee report of the Integrated Report. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P13 Prac 23.d | |
Disclosure is made in the Integrated Report. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P13 Prac 24 | |
Full disclosure is provided in the Sustainability Report. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P13 Prac 25 | |
Principle 14 | The governing body should ensure that the organisation remunerates fairly, responsibly and transparently so as to promote the achievement of strategic objectives and positive outcomes in the short, medium and long term. | ||
King IV™ Outcome | King IV™ Reference | ||
The Board through the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee sets the direction for remuneration governance, and this is fully disclosed in the Remuneration Report, as contained in the Integrated Report, which clearly defines the company's remuneration policy as well as the implementation thereof. This is further defined in the terms of reference of the Committee. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 26 | |
The Board through the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee regularly approves policy that articulates and gives effect to its direction on fair, responsible and transparent remuneration. The committee's mandate to do so, is set out in its terms of reference. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 27 | |
The remuneration policy as approved by the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee comprehensively addresses organisation-wide remuneration and includes provisions to attract, motivate, reward and retain human capital. The policy is further discussed with key shareholders and annually tabled to shareholders for approval. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 28.a | |
The Human Resources and Remuneration Committee ensures that the mix of fixed and variable pay, in cash, shares and other elements, meets the company's needs and strategic objectives. Full disclosure is contained in the Integrated Report. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 28.b | |
The remuneration policy does address organisation-wide remuneration and includes provision for the promotion of positive outcomes. Full disclosure is contained in the Integrated Report. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P14 Prac 28.c | |
The remuneration policy does address organisation-wide remuneration and includes provisions for the promotion of an ethical culture and responsible corporate citizenship. Full disclosure is contained in the Integrated Report. | Ethical Culture Good Performance | K IV™ P14 Prac 28.d | |
The remuneration policy does, among others, provide for arrangements to ensure that the remuneration of executive management is fair and responsible in the context of overall employee remuneration in the organisation. Full disclosure is made in the Integrated Report. | Ethical Culture Good Performance | K IV™ P14 Prac 29.a | |
The remuneration policy does, among others, provide for the use of performance measures that support positive outcomes across the economic, social and environmental context in which the organisation operates; and/or all the capitals that the company uses or affects. Annual performance assessments are conducted for the executive directors linked to the achievement of agreed company financial, strategic and operational objectives which are linked to key performance areas. | Ethical Culture Good Performance | K IV™ P14 Prac 29.b | |
The remuneration policy does provide for the voting by shareholders on the remuneration policy and the implementation report, and for the implementation of related responding measures as outlined under Voting on Remuneration contained in the Integrated Report. | Ethical Culture Good Performance | K IV™ P14 Prac 29.c | |
Yes, this is adequately dealt with in Kumba's remuneration policy and is managed through the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee of the Board. | Good Performance | K IV™ P14 Prac 30.a | |
All elements of remuneration that are offered in the company and the mix of these are set out in the remuneration policy, including: variable remuneration, short and long-term incentives and deferrals. Full disclosure is made in the Integrated Report. | Good Performance | K IV™ P14 Prac 30.b | |
There is no automatic entitlement to bonus or share-based payments on early termination of employment. This is set out in the Remuneration policy and is subject to review and approval by the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee in terms of the rules of the schemes. | Ethical Culture Good Performance | K IV™ P14 Prac 30.c | |
All elements of remuneration that are offered in the company and the mix of these are set out in the remuneration policy, including: sign-on, retention and restraint payments. Full disclosure is made in the Integrated Report. | Ethical Culture Good Performance | K IV™ P14 Prac 30.d | |
The remuneration policy does provide for the provision any for pre-vesting forfeiture (malus) and post-vesting forfeiture (claw-back) of remuneration. | Ethical Culture Good Performance | K IV™ P14 Prac 30.e | |
All elements of remuneration that are offered in the company and the mix of these are set out in the remuneration policy, including any commissions and allowances. | Good Performance | K IV™ P14 Prac 30.f | |
The remuneration policy does provide for non-executive directors' fees. The fees paid to non-executive directors are not based on an attendance fee per meeting. | Ethical Culture Good Performance | K IV™ P14 Prac 30.g | |
The board through the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee oversees that the implementation and execution of the remuneration policy achieves the objectives of the policy. | Good Performance | K IV™ P14 Prac 31 | |
The remuneration report is included in the Integrated Report every year and includes a background statement. | Good Performance | K IV™ P14 Prac 32.a | |
The remuneration report as contained in the Integrated Report discloses an overview of the main provisions of the remuneration policy. | Good Performance | K IV™ P14 Prac 32.b | |
The remuneration report contains an implementation report which contains details of all remuneration awarded to individual members of the governing body and executive management during the reporting period. | Good Performance | K IV™ P14 Prac 32.c | |
The internal and external factors that influence remuneration are contained in the remuneration report included in the Integrated Report. | Effective Control | K IV™ P14 Prac 33.a | |
The response to measures to be taken in terms of the 2023 voting on the remuneration policy and the implementation report is disclosed in the Integrated Report. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 33.b | |
Key areas of focus and key decisions taken by the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee during the reporting period, including any substantial changes to the remuneration policy are contained in the remuneration report as part of the Integrated Report. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 33.c | |
Remuneration Consultants were used on an adhoc basis to assist the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee with benchmarking and remuneration related services and the Committee was satisfied that the consultants were independent and objective in rendering such services. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 33.d | |
The remuneration report does provide context for remuneration considerations and decisions, with reference to the views of the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee on whether the remuneration policy achieved its stated objectives. Full disclosure is contained in the Integrated Report. | Good Performance | K IV™ P14 Prac 33.e | |
Future actions to enhance governance outcomes of the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee are contained in the Integrated Report (Governance Section). | Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 33.f | |
The brief overview of the main provisions of the remuneration policy does address the objectives of the policy and the manner in which the policy seeks to accomplish these. The overview does include the following: the remuneration elements and design principles informing the remuneration arrangements for executive management and, at a high level, for other employees. Full disclosure is contained in the Integrated Report. | Good Performance | K IV™ P14 Prac 34.a | |
There are no change of control provisions or any provisions relating to payment on termination of employment. The Human Resources and Remuneration Committee at its discretion, apply good leaver principles and rules of the Company when considering termination payments. | Ethical Culture Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 34.b | |
The remuneration policy does provide a description of the framework and performance measures used to assess the achievement of strategic objectives and positive outcomes, including the relative weighting of each performance measure and the period of time over which it is measured. | Good Performance | K IV™ P14 Prac 34.c | |
Full disclosure is provided in the remuneration report contained in the Integrated Report. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 34.d | |
The remuneration policy does address the objectives of the policy and the manner in which the policy seeks to accomplish these and includes the following: an explanation of how the policy addresses fair and responsible remuneration for executive management, in the context of overall employee remuneration. | Good Performance | K IV™ P14 Prac 34.e | |
The remuneration policy does address the objectives of the policy and the manner in which the policy seeks to accomplish these and it includes the following: the use and justification of remuneration benchmarks. | Good Performance | K IV™ P14 Prac 34.f | |
The remuneration policy does address the objectives of the policy and the manner in which the policy seeks to accomplish these. It includes the following: the basis for the setting of fees for non-executive directors. | Good Performance | K IV™ P14 Prac 34.g | |
Full disclosure of the remuneration policy is available for public access via the Integrated Report and the Company's website. | Good Performance | K IV™ P14 Prac 34.h | |
Full disclosure of executive remuneration and the elements are provided in the remuneration report included in the Integrated Report. | Good Performance | K IV™ P14 Prac 35.a.i | |
Full disclosure in the form of a table of executive variable remuneration incentive schemes are provided in the remuneration report included in the Integrated Report. | Good Performance | K IV™ P14 Prac 35.a.ii | |
Full disclosure is provided in the remuneration report contained in the Integrated Report. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 35.a.iii | |
The Human Resources and Remuneration Committee satisfies itself as to the accuracy of recorded performance measures that govern the vesting of incentives (refer to the Integrated Report for further information). | Good Performance | K IV™ P14 Prac 35.b | |
Full disclosure is provided in the remuneration report contained in the Integrated Report. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 35.c | |
There have been no deviations from the remuneration policy as approved by shareholders in 2023. | Ethical Culture Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 35.d | |
Shareholder approval is sought for non-executive directors' fees prior to implementation. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P14 Prac 36 | |
Shareholder approval is sought for a non-binding advisory vote on the company's remuneration policy every year during the annual general meeting. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P14 Prac 37 | |
An engagement process to ascertain the reasons for the dissenting votes is provided in the Notice of Annual General Meeting. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P14 Prac 38.a | |
An engagement process to ascertain the reasons for the dissenting votes as well as to define an appropriate corrective response is provided in the Notice of Annual General Meeting. | Good Performance | K IV™ P14 Prac 38.b | |
An engagement process to ascertain the reasons for the dissenting votes is provided in the Notice of Annual General Meeting. | Good Performance | K IV™ P14 Prac 39.a | |
An engagement process to ascertain the reasons for the dissenting votes is provided in the Notice of Annual General Meeting. | Good Performance | K IV™ P14 Prac 39.b | |
Principle 15 | The governing body should ensure that assurance services and functions enable an effective control environment, and that these support the integrity of information for internal decision-making and of the organisation's external reports. | ||
King IV™ Outcome | King IV™ Reference | ||
The Audit Committee on behalf of the board is entrusted with promoting and reporting on upon the overall effectiveness of the Company’s system of internal controls and also overseeing the mandates of and ensuring coordination between the activities of internal and external audit. During the year, the Company:
| Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P15 Prac 40.a | |
The Audit Committee on behalf of the board is entrusted with promoting and reporting on upon the overall effectiveness of the Company’s system of internal controls and also overseeing the mandates of and ensuring coordination between the activities of internal and external audit. During the year, the Company:
| Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 40.b | |
The Audit Committee is mandated to have regard to all factors and risks that may impact on the integrity of the integrated report, significant judgements and reporting decisions made, monitoring and or enforcement actions by a regulatory body, any evidence that brings into question previously published information, forward looking statements or information. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 40.c | |
Kumba has implemented the combined assurance model as envisaged in King IVTM which seeks to incorporate and optimise all assurance services and function so that, taken as a whole, these enable an effective control environment and also support the integrity of information used for internal decision-making by management and the board, and of external reports. The Audit Committee considered and reviewed the Company’s combined assurance model for effectiveness and completeness and ensured that augmented assurance coverage is obtained from management, external and internal assurance providers. | Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 41 | |
The Board and its sub-committees continually assesses all risk governance structures and lines of defence in conjunction with the audit committee to ensure that roles and responsibilities and accountabilities for identifying, managing, mitigating, reporting and escalating risks and opportunities within the Company are defined. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P15 Prac 42.a | |
The Board and its sub-committees continually assesses all risk governance structures and lines of defence in conjunction with the audit committee to ensure that roles and responsibilities and accountabilities for identifying, managing, mitigating, reporting and escalating risks and opportunities within the Company are defined. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P15 Prac 42.b | |
The Board and its sub-committees Committee continually assesses all risk governance structures and lines of defence in conjunction with the audit committee to ensure that roles and responsibilities and accountabilities for identifying, managing, mitigating, reporting and escalating risks and opportunities within the Company are defined. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P15 Prac 42.c | |
The Audit Committee annually assesses the independence of the external assurance providers. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P15 Prac 42.d | |
The Board continually assesses all risk governance structures and lines of defence in conjunction with the Audit Committee to ensure that roles and responsibilities and accountabilities for identifying, managing, mitigating, reporting and escalating risks and opportunities within the Company are defined. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P15 Prac 42.e | |
The Board sub-committees continually assesses all risk governance structures and lines of defence to ensure that roles and responsibilities and accountabilities for identifying, managing, mitigating, reporting and escalating risks and opportunities within the Company are defined. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P15 Prac 42.f | |
The Audit Committee has been established to assist the board in discharging its duties and responsibilities relating to the safeguarding of assets, the operation of adequate and effective systems and control processes, the preparation of fairly presented financial statements in compliance with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements and accounting standards, and overall oversight of the external and internal audit appointments and functions. During the year the Committee:
| Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 43 | |
The Audit Committee is charged with the responsibility to review the nature and scope of the audit with the external auditors before the audit commences and, as necessary, following the audit. Furthermore the Committee ensures that assurance services and functions enable an effective control environment, and that these support the integrity of information for internal decision-making and of the organisation’s external reports. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P15 Prac 44 | |
The Audit Committee is charged with the responsibility to review the nature and scope of the audit with the external auditors before the audit commences and, as necessary, following the audit. The review of the nature of the audit includes the approach to be followed for the audit, i.e whether substantive, control based or a combination of both. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P15 Prac 45.a | |
The Audit Committee is charged with the responsibility to review the nature and scope of the audit with the external auditors before the audit commences and, as necessary, following the audit. The review of the nature of the audit includes the approach to be followed for the audit, i.e whether substantive, control based or a combination of both. | Effective Control | K IV™ P15 Prac 45.b | |
The Audit Committee is charged with the responsibility to review the nature and scope of the audit with the external auditors before the audit commences and, as necessary, following the audit. The review of the nature of the audit includes the approach to be followed for the audit, i.e whether substantive, control based or a combination of both. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P15 Prac 45.c | |
The Audit Committee is entrusted with ensuring the integrity and transparency of corporate reporting. Through the review of the effectiveness of the combined assurance plan, the Committee ensure the integrity of the underlying information used for reporting purposes. Furthermore the Committee monitors the integrity fo the Company's integrated reporting process and ensures that Integrated Report is prepared in line with the IIRC's International Framework. | Good Performance | K IV™ P15 Prac 46 | |
The nature, scope and extent of assurance provision is disclosed in the Integrated Report. | Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 47.a | |
A statement by the Board on the integrity of the report and the basis for this statement, with reference to the assurance applied is provided in Integrated Report. | Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 47.b | |
The group’s internal audit function is fulfilled by Anglo Business Assurance Services (ABAS) and provides the board with assurance on the key areas of the group’s internal financial controls. The internal audit function's responsibility includes objectively assuring effectiveness of the risk assurance framework and the internal control framework. Quarterly internal audit reports highlighting the results of each audit are provided by ABAS to the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee oversees cooperation between external and internal audit to avoid overlapping of audit scope harnessing of synergies available. The Committee also reviews and approves the internal audit plan and external audit plan. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P15 Prac 48 | |
The Audit Committee has reviewed and approved the Internal Audit charter that defines the roles and responsibility. The Committee ensures that the internal audit function is adequately and appropriately resourced and has the appropriate authority and status within the Company. | Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 49 | |
ABAS has the necessary skill and resource complement appropriate for the complexity and volume of risk and assurance needs | Good Performance Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 50 | |
The group’s internal audit function is fulfilled by Anglo Business Assurance Services (ABAS) and remains independent and objective. ABAS maintains a quality assurance and improvement programme. | Good Performance Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 51 | |
The group’s internal audit function is fulfilled by Anglo Business Assurance Services (ABAS) and remains independent and objective. The appointment of the Head of Assurance and Risk (CAE) is subject to review and endorsement by the Audit Committee. | Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 52 | |
The group’s internal audit function is fulfilled by Anglo Business Assurance Services (ABAS) and remains independent and objective. The Head of Risk and Assurance (CAE) has unfettered access the Chairperson of the Audit Committee. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 53 | |
The group’s internal audit function is fulfilled by Anglo Business Assurance Services (ABAS) and remains independent and objective. As a result the Head of Internal Audit is not a member of executive management but has unrestricted access on strategy and policy decisions and their implementation. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 54 | |
The Audit Committee is charged with the policy for appointment of assurance providers. In the event where there are more than one service providers, the Committee ensures that there is appropriate co-ordination of activities. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 55 | |
The Head of Risk and Assurance from ABAS reports to the Chairperson of the Audit Committee on matters relating to the performance of duties and functions that relates to internal audit. The Chief Financial Officer is responsible for ensuring that other duties and administrative matters pertaining to internal audit are discharged. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 56 | |
The group’s internal audit function is fulfilled by Anglo Business Assurance Services (ABAS) and remains independent and objective. The appointment or removal of the Head of Assurance and Risk (CAE) is subject to review and endorsement by the Audit Committee. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 57 | |
The internal audit plan and approach is informed by the strategy and the risks of the Company. The Audit Committee responsible for the review and approval of the internal audit plan and approach. This plan is also reviewed periodically to ensure that it is aligned to the risk profile of the Company. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 58.a | |
The Enterprise Risk Management is reviewed on a quarterly basis. The review is done in conjunction with the Audit Committee Chairperson to ensure that where there is significant change in the risk profile the assurance plan is accordingly adapted to ensure the required assurance is provided on the control environment relating to the risk exposure areas. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P15 Prac 58.b | |
The internal audit function provides the Board with positive assurance on the key areas of the group’s internal controls processes, organisation's governance and risk management. | Good Performance Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 59 | |
The Audit Committee ensures that the internal audit function is subjected to an independent quality review as and when it determines it appropriate. | Ethical Culture Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 60 | |
As part of annual assessment of the effectiveness of the Internal Audit function, the Audit Committee is provided assurance that the function conforms to the Group Code of Ethics and industry best practice. | Ethical Culture Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 61 | |
Principle 16 | In the execution of its governance role and responsibilities, the governing body should adopt a stakeholder-inclusive approach that balances the needs, interests and expectations of material stakeholders in the best interests of the organisation over time. | ||
King IV™ Outcome | King IV™ Reference | ||
The Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee, as a statutory committee, plays a pivotal role in exercising oversight of organisational ethics, social and economic development, good corporate citizenship, regulatory compliance, environment, health and safety, stakeholder engagement and labour and employment issues. The purpose of the Committee is to ensure that the Company’s activities positively impact its many stakeholders, including employees, communities, members of the public and the environment and to report on this to its shareholders on an annual basis.Its responsibilities include developing sustainable development policies and guidelines to manage these focus areas, monitoring performance against key indicators, and facilitating stakeholder participation, cooperation and consultation on key issues. A stakeholder management policy is in place, providing clear direction for how stakeholder relationships should be approached and conducted in the organisation. | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P16 Prac 1 | |
The Board, through the Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee, reviews and approves policy pertaining to stakeholder engagement. | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P16 Prac 2 | |
The Board has delegated to executive management the implementation and execution of stakeholder relationship management. This is detailed in the Sustainability Report. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 3 | |
The Board, through the Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee, has in place a comprehensive stakeholder engagement strategy and framework for the identification of individual stakeholders and stakeholder groups. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 4.a | |
Stakeholders which could materially affect the operations of the Company are identified by the Board, and are assessed and dealt with as part of the risk management process. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P16 Prac 4.b | |
Community complaints and social incidents provide valuable indicators to help Kumba's operations to anticipate deeper community concerns and proactively mitigate social risks. The Anglo American group-wide complaints and grievances reporting procedure is implemented, which is designed to ensure openness, accountability and respectfulness in our timely handling of any stakeholder complaints. Incidents that are classified as Level 3 to 5 (moderate to significant) are reported to the Board. | Ethical Culture Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 4.c | |
The Company has a communication programme in place approved by the Board. An independent communication audit to provide reliable confirmation of the effectiveness of our communication and engagement as experienced by Stakeholders that are material to Kumba are regularly commissioned. | Effective Control | K IV™ P16 Prac 4.d | |
As a responsible corporate citizen Kumba proactively manages relationships with its stakeholders. The Company's philosophy on stakeholder engagement is informed by its corporate values and requires the Company to make a concerted effort to understand and recognise stakeholder needs, concerns and expectations, and work to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes with stakeholders. | Effective Control | K IV™ P16 Prac 4.e | |
Community complaints and social incidents provide valuable indicators to help Kumba's operations to anticipate deeper community concerns and proactively mitigate social risks. The Anglo American group-wide complaints and grievances reporting procedure is implemented, which is designed to ensure openness, accountability and respectfulness in our timely handling of any stakeholder complaints. Incidents that are classified as Level 3 to 5 (moderate to significant) are reported to the Board. | Ethical Culture | K IV™ P16 Prac 5.a | |
The focus areas for the year ahead are contained in the Sustainability Report. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 5.b | |
The Company's stakeholder engagement activities are disclosed in the Integrated Report and in the Sustainability Report. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P16 Prac 5.c | |
Planned and future focus areas are disclosed in the Sustainability Report. | Good Performance Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 5.d | |
The principal mechanisms for shareholders to communicate with the Board include the annual general meetings and the Board proactively engages the shareholders prior to the annual general meeting through a governance roadshow. | Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P16 Prac 6 | |
The Chairperson of the Board as well as directors, especially the chairmen of the Audit Committee, Human Resources and Remuneration Committee and the Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee attend the annual general meeting and are available to answer questions from shareholders. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 7 | |
The Board, through the Audit Committee, ensures that the designated partner of the external audit firm attends the annual general meeting. | Effective Control | K IV™ P16 Prac 8 | |
There are formal policies and practices in place to ensure equal treatment of shareholders within the group. | Effective Control | K IV™ P16 Prac 9 | |
The minutes of the annual general meeting of the company are available to the public for inspection upon request. | Effective Control | K IV™ P16 Prac 10 | |
The Board continuously identifies and prioritises the material interests of stakeholders, and has implemented a comprehensive stakeholder engagement strategy and framework to address these interests. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 11 | |
The Company's delegation of authority framework serves as the governance framework between the group and its subsidiaries. | Effective Control | K IV™ P16 Prac 12 | |
Implementation and adoption of policies, processes or procedures of the holding company are considered and approved by the subsidiary company. The Board considers and approves policies as stipulated in the Company's delegation of authority framework. | Effective Control | K IV™ P16 Prac 13 | |
The group governance framework does not conflict with the Company's memorandum of incorporation, delegations of authority, shareholder agreements, board charters, board committee terms of references, and related policies and agreements within the group. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 14 | |
The Company's delegation of authority framework recognises the separate and independent legal status of its subsidiary companies and the fiduciary duties of their respective directors. | Effective Control | K IV™ P16 Prac 15 | |
The Board of the holding company ensures that the group governance framework addresses governance matters as is appropriate for the group, including the delineation of the rights and role of the holding company. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 16.a | |
The sub-committees of the Board of the holding company also acts as committees for the subsidiary companies without abdicating accountability and subject to agreed reporting and information sharing arrangements. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 16.b | |
Governance and operational policies of the holding company have been fully adopted by subsidiary companies in the group thereby ensuring adherence to the same policies and procedures. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 16.c | |
Consultation takes place between the Board of the holding company and the Chairperson of the subsidiary board, as well as the Nominations and Governance committee, prior to nominating a shareholder representative director. | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 16.d | |
Upon appointment directors are required to sign confidentiality agreements in line with their fiduciary duties to address the risk of breaching legal duty in relation to the use of information obtained while acting as director of Kumba for the purposes of another company in the Anglo American group. | Ethical Culture Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 16.e | |
The holding company, Kumba, develops and implements the governance framework which is in turn cascaded across the group. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 17 | |
The Integrated Report provides details of the implementation and adoption of policies, processes or procedures of the holding company by subsidiary company(ies). | Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 18 | |
The group delegation of authority framework provides guidance on the delegated responsibilities of the sub-committees to both the holding company and the subsidiary company. | Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 19 |