King IVTM Detailed Report at 27 Jul 2023 | ||
Hosken Consolidated Investments Limited Registration Number: 1973/007111/06 |
Run Date: 12/11/2024 2:41:02 PM |
Principle 1 | The governing body should lead ethically and effectively. | ||
King IV™ Outcome | King IV™ Reference | ||
In accordance with S76(4) and S76(5) of the Companies Act 2008, as amended ("the ACT"), the directors of HCI, are expected to exercise the powers and perform the functions of director in good faith and for a proper purpose and in the best interests of the company The company has a code of ethics, approved by the board of directors, to ensure that the company is effectively managed and controlled by an ethical body based on integrity and good faith, in the best interest of all stakeholders. Board members understand, when elected to the Board by the shareholders, that they are expected to adhere to specific standards, and use their skills, expertise, knowledge and intelligence appropriately, to further the objectives of the Company in the best interests of the shareholders. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P1 Prac 1.a.i | |
Real or perceived conflicts of interest are both disclosed to the board and, when disclosed, managed appropriately. It is acknowledged by the members of the board that the interests of the company should be placed before any personal interest. In accordance with S75(4), 75(5) and 75(6) of the Act, the members of the board submit full annual disclosures of their interests in all companies, trusts and contracts; disclose any personal financial interest in respect of any matter to be discussed at the meeting of the board of directors; and confirm the acquisition of any personal interest or interest acquired by a related person in any matter where HCI has a material interest. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P1 Prac 1.a.ii | |
To meet the primary objective of the group, the creation of value for its shareholders, management monitors and manages its performance on other stakeholder levels including, but not limited to:
| Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P1 Prac 1.a.iii | |
The company has clearly defined values to which all employees are expected to abide. The board promotes an ethical environment of fairness and transparency. The company has developed a culture, based on "doing the right thing", starting with the employment of top management that are observed to be taking the high ethical road and thereby acting as role models. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P1 Prac 1.a.iv | |
The members of the board are bound by their fiduciary duty and the duty of care and skill. The members are expected to have an understanding of the business units within the group, keep informed about the practices and corporate affairs and policies within the group and should have enough knowledge to question any matters that are discussed to enable them to make a well-informed decision. The board of HCI understand the general content of applicable legislation sufficiently well to carry out their duties. Directors of the operating companies would have a deeper insight into the legislation, rules, standards and codes applicable to their particular industries. | Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P1 Prac 1.b.i | |
In accordance with S 76(3)(c) of the Act, all the directors of HCI are expected to exercise the powers and perform the functions of a director with the degree of care, diligence and skill that may be reasonably expected of the director within the director's level of general knowledge, skill and experience. Directors are further expected to take reasonable steps to become informed about all matters to be discussed at the board meetings. Directors are entitled to rely on the performance of persons appointed by the board including legal counsel and other professional persons; persons to whom the board has delegated matters and information, opinions and recommendations made by employees and professional persons retained by the HCI. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P1 Prac 1.b.ii | |
The board ensures that continuing professional development programmes are implemented. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P1 Prac 1.b.iii | |
The values of the board are reflected in the behavior of its directors; the code of ethics adopted by the board for the company which emphasises principles rather than a set of rules that require constant monitoring. The behavior and the code of ethics is a cornerstone for the long-term strategy of the company and confirms the manner in which the company conducts its business, its ethics and compliance and embodies the standards that the board has set for itself and for the group. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P1 Prac 1.c.i | |
The board, through its chief risk officer and head of internal auditor, proactively identify and monitor where the risks may lie to ensure that these specific risk-prone areas are adequately addressed to minimise any risk to the company and counteract unavoidable risks. As an investment holding company, HCI, cannot eliminate all the risks in its investments, but the directors understand the risk profile of the company and considers the impact of risk when reviewing new strategies, policies and investments. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P1 Prac 1.c.ii K IV™ P1 Prac 1.c.iii K IV™ P2 Prac 6.b | |
To ensure ethical and effective leadership, the directors are expected to offer sufficient time and effort in the execution of their duties as directors of the board. Comprehensive documentation is forwarded to directors prior to all meetings to enable them to be suitably prepared for the meetings | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P1 Prac 1.c.iv | |
In accordance with S66(1) of the Act, the affairs of HCI are under the direction of the board. The board delegates tasks and responsibilities to the management of the company. Management is therefore accountable and responsible for the task to be completed to a satisfactory level and to ensure that the board receives the required information. The board remains accountable and responsible for the actions of management. By encouraging the participation of management, the board can also identify potential successors to higher management positions within the group. The board is fully aware, in line with S72(3) of the Act that the creation of a sub-committee, and delegation of power to the sub-committee or management, does not satisfy or constitute compliance by a director in line with S76 of the Act. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P1 Prac 1.d K IV™ P4 Prac 5 | |
To meet the primary objective of the group, the creation of value for its shareholders, management monitors and manages its performance on all other stakeholder levels including, but not limited to:
| Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P1 Prac 1.e.i K IV™ P1 Prac 1.e.ii K IV™ P2 Prac 6.a K IV™ P3 Prac 14.d K IV™ P3 Prac 15.b K IV™ P3 Prac 15.c | |
To ensure transparency the board:
| Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P1 Prac 1.f | |
The board of the company is effective because of the chemistry between the directors which allows for open, honest and robust discussion, without any underlying fear that limits the transfer of confidential information and impedes services delivery. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P1 Prac 2 | |
The board has agreed that the assessments are best conducted by dialogue between all the board members in a transparent and open manner at the board meetings. The frank board discussions give the directors of the board an opportunity to speak openly about their concerns and requirements resulting in increased board effectiveness. This informal manner is best suited for the board of HCI. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P1 Prac 3 | |
Principle 2 | The governing body should govern the ethics of the organisation in a way that supports the establishment of an ethical culture. | ||
King IV™ Outcome | King IV™ Reference | ||
The board has ensured that a code of conduct and ethics-related policies, through which ethical standards are clearly articulated, have been established and implemented. These codes and police are updated by the board as required. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P2 Prac 4 K IV™ P2 Prac 5 | |
The audit and risk committee has regard to all factors and risks that may affect the integrity (i.e. accuracy and reliability of information) of the Annual Financial Statements and Integrated Report, including the following:
Mechanisms are in place for constructive engagement with its stakeholders by the underlying investments. At a holding level, to ensure parity at a shareholder level, engagement is implemented mainly through SENS announcements and the required integrated, interim and provisional reports of the company. Stakeholders are welcomed at any general meeting of the company. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P2 Prac 7.a | |
Employees have all entered into contracts with the company. Supplier contracts are not applicable at the holding level but subsidiary companies follow the same stakeholder policy as HCI to ensure ethical behavior towards all stakeholders, including suppliers. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P2 Prac 7.b | |
The development of an induction programme for new directors meets both the following requirements:
A formal induction program is in place for new directors which includes the distribution of a comprehensive induction pack which include presentations of the industries in which the company is involved. The board's continuing development programme focuses on improving and keeping the board up-to-date with governance, regulatory and operational developments. Both the induction and ongoing training programmes of directors include an overview of, and changes to, applicable laws, rules, codes and standards. The results of performance evaluations are constructively used to identify training and development needs for directors. At an employee level, new employees are required to familiarize themselves with the company's code of ethics. Employees at HCI do not receive a formal induction and training programme but receive on-the-job training. The majority of the employees at HCI come from a professional background. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P2 Prac 7.c | |
The company has clearly defined values to which all employees are expected to abide. The board sets the values which promotes an ethical environment of fairness and transparency. The board has delegated the authority to management to implement and execute the code of ethics and polices but remains ultimately responsible for the ethics of the company. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P2 Prac 8 K IV™ P2 Prac 9.a | |
To ensure the highest ethical standards are maintained, any breach, or allegation of a breach, is fully investigated and the necessary action taken. If the investigation showed a breach in the control system, more controls are implemented to mitigate the risk. Processes in respect of fraud reporting are in place at the head office and subsidiary companies. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P2 Prac 9.b K IV™ P2 Prac 10.a | |
Processes in respect of fraud reporting are in place at the head office and subsidiary companies. In accordance with S159(7), HCI has established a system to receive disclosures and act thereon via a group hotline. In line with S159 of the Act, all whistle-blowers are fully protected from any attempts of antagonism. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P2 Prac 9.c | |
In accordance with S159 of the Act, all stakeholders, including employees and shareholders are protected from discrimination and antagonism. The information received from whistle-blowers remains confidential to ensure that no whistle-blower will fear any threat due to the disclosure and will cause any threat to the whistle-blower. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P2 Prac 9.d | |
The code of ethics of the Company is principle - based, not governed by a set of rules that must be implemented and monitored. The company and all the subsidiary companies enter into a closed period, that is, the period between the finalizing of the provisional and interim results and the announcement (which is disseminated via SENS, to the public). Furthermore, directors or employees of the Company are restricted to trade in securities when in possession of price sensitive information which is not generally available to the market. During these periods, which include all directors, directors of major subsidiaries of the company and company secretaries - are not allowed to trade in shares. All concerned parties are notified when the company enters into a closed period and the policy "dealing in company securities" is attached to the notification. A similar notification is circulated at the end of the closed period. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P2 Prac 10.b | |
Effective ethics and compliance structures are fundamental to the manner is which HCI conducts its business. HCI has invested in numerous businesses in highly compliant environments. The frameworks have the capability to manage and monitor compliance standards and rules, and evaluate the compliance with regards to best business best practices. At a management and employee level, the organisational ethics are monitored by the frequency of issues that arise through the whistle-blowing hotlines. The board monitors the alleged violation and the manner in which these were addressed. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P2 Prac 10.c | |
Continuous focus to ensure that all employees are conversant with the ethical policy of the company and are encouraged to carry these ethics through to all spheres of their lives. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P2 Prac 10.d | |
Principle 3 | The governing body should ensure that the organisation is and is seen to be a responsible corporate citizen. | ||
King IV™ Outcome | King IV™ Reference | ||
The company has a well-established Foundation - the HCI Foundation - which is involved in numerous social programs especially in the educational sector, and more recently, in the sustainable food sector. All the underlying investments participate in:
| Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P3 Prac 11 K IV™ P5 Prac 12 | |
The board ensures that the company is a responsible corporate citizen, by complying with all national and international laws of the counties in which they operate. In accordance with Schedule 4 of the JSE regulations, the chairperson and company secretary of HCI state, in a sworn declaration, that to the best of the knowledge, judgment and belief, arrived at after due and careful enquiry, where applicable, that all annual returns have been paid, all necessary documentation submitted to the CIPC; and all share registers have been updated. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P3 Prac 12 | |
In accordance with JSE regulations, LR7.F.5. HCI implements the King code through the King Code disclosure and application regime. The Global Platform assessment is utilised to updated the King IV code on an annual basis. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P3 Prac 13 | |
The board has delegated the responsibility of ethical oversight of the workplace to management. There is no obvious monitoring in place; HCI is largely made up of professional people who have accepted the values embedded in the Company. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P3 Prac 14.a | |
HCI and all its underlying investments are committed to Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment and undergo annual verification. Greater emphasis is constantly placed on economic transformation and empowerment. The HCI Supplier Club has been implemented to afford further economic transformation. HCI sees itself as a good corporate citizen in all its financial matters and has always received an unqualified opinion from its auditors - no fraud, or allegations of fraud, have been identified over the past 25 years. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P3 Prac 14.b | |
The major national projects undertaken by the HCI Foundation are within the sectors of education, public health and safety and community development. Financial assistance has also been given towards the protection of human and animal rights. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P3 Prac 14.c | |
The board ensures that collaborative efforts with stakeholders are embarked upon to promote ethical conduct and good corporate citizenship. The board and management, as a combined force, ensure that the company is seen to be a responsible corporate citizen that operates within the legal boundaries, and is open and transparent. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P3 Prac 15.a | |
The planned areas of future focus includes, but is not limited to:
| Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P3 Prac 15.d | |
Principle 4 | The governing body should appreciate that the organisation's core purpose, its risks and opportunities, strategy, business model, performance and sustainable development are all inseparable elements of the value creation process. | ||
King IV™ Outcome | King IV™ Reference | ||
In accordance with Section 66(1) of the Company's Act, the business and affairs of HCI is managed under the direction of the board of directors. In accordance with Section 4(1) the board provides financial oversight and ensures that HCI satisfies the solvency and liquidity test at a particular time, when entering into any financial agreement and in the event of a distribution. The board further ensures, in line with Section 4(2)(a)(i) and (ii) that the financial information is reliable and based on accounting records that satisfy the requirements of S28 and S29 of the Companies Act, The board informs and approves strategy (as opposed to being a passive recipient of strategy as proposed by management). | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P4 Prac 1 | |
The board is fully aware of its responsibilities to all stakeholders and takes these into account when making long-term strategic decisions. HCI holds an annual strategy session, which includes the board and executive management of all subsidiary companies. The short, medium and long-term strategy of HCI and its subsidiary companies are addressed, to ensure sustainability going forward. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P4 Prac 2 | |
The board ensures that the strategy is aligned with the purpose of the company, the value drivers of its business and the legitimate interests and expectations of its stakeholders. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P4 Prac 3.a | |
As an investment holding company, the board is actively involved in discussing, reviewing and ultimately, approving the acquisition of new business units or the disposal of an investment. The board provides a different approach to management and asks questions to satisfy themselves that the plan is well thought out and compatible with the company's vision and values. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P4 Prac 3.b | |
The board reviews the resources available to execute its strategy which includes financial resources, processes, systems, infrastructure, intellectual property, positioning, related assets and employees that support its value chain. In line with S 4(2)(a)(i) and (ii) of the Act, the Board ensures that all financial information considered by the company is based on accounting records that satisfy the requirements of S28 and that the financial statements satisfy the requirements of S29. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P4 Prac 3.c K IV™ P4 Prac 3.e K IV™ P4 Prac 3.f | |
The board takes account of the legitimate interests and expectations of its stakeholders in its decision-making in the best interests of the company. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P4 Prac 3.d | |
Strategy is translated into key performance and risk areas (including finance, ethics, compliance and sustainability); and the associated performance and risk measures are identified and clear. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P4 Prac 4 | |
Strategy implementation meets both of the following conditions:
| Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P4 Prac 6 K IV™ P7 Prac 7.a K IV™ P7 Prac 7.c K IV™ P7 Prac 7.e K IV™ P7 Prac 7.f K IV™ P7 Prac 8 K IV™ P7 Prac 9 K IV™ P7 Prac 10 | |
All strategies implemented will have both positive and negative consequences on social and environmental conditions depending on the various advocacy groups which reflect the underlying value differences of the groups. However, the company continues to monitor and assess the risk, including the reputational risk, when determining strategy. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P4 Prac 7 | |
In accordance with Section 4(1) the board provides financial oversight and ensures that HCI satisfies the solvency and liquidity test at a particular time, when entering into any financial agreement and in the event of a distribution. The board continually monitors whether the company is financially distressed; i.e. if it appears reasonably unlikely that the company will be able to pay its debts as they fall due and payable within the ensuing six months or become insolvent within the ensuing six months. The board further ensures, in line with Section 4(2)(a)(i) and (ii) that the financial information is reliable and based on accounting records that satisfy the requirements of S28 and S29 of the Company's Act. The audit committee reviews a documented assessment by the management of the going concern premise of the company. The going concern statement is disclosed by the board in the annual financial statements. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P4 Prac 8 | |
Principle 5 | The governing body should ensure that reports issued by the organisation enable stakeholders to make informed assessments of the organisation's performance, and its short, medium and long term prospects. | ||
King IV™ Outcome | King IV™ Reference | ||
The board ensures that the company has controls in place to enable it to verify and safeguard the integrity, i.e. accuracy and reliability, of its reporting. The board ensures that the Integrated Report sets out:
| Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P5 Prac 9 | |
The board ensures that the reporting framework complies with the Companies Act of 2008, as amended, and the JSE listing requirements. In accordance with LR7.B.22, the directors statement is made by the directors after due, careful and proper consideration in all circulars; In accordance with LR7.F.5, the company has implemented the King Code but further acknowledges that the King IV code continues to be a work in progress; In line with LR7.F.6 HCI complies with JSE Listings requirement 3.84 concerning corporate governance and discloses its compliance in the annual financial statements; In addition to complying with IFRS, Section 30 of the Companies Act 2008 and JSE Listings Requirement 3.84 of the Listings Requirements, HCI discloses information in the annual financial statements and / or the integrated report and / or the King IV report in respect of paragraph 8.63(a), (l) and (q); 8.63(b)–(k), (m)–(o) in respect of its application and implementation of the King Code through the application of the King Code disclosure and application regime. In respect of paragraph 3.84 (k) the Chief Executive Officer and the financial director have signed the responsibility statement saying that the Company has implemented the necessary internal financial controls to ensure the financial statements are fairly presented and no facts have been omitted or untrue statements have been made. HCI has made the implementation of certain practices in King IV mandatory, notwithstanding the fact that the application of the practices in the King Code is voluntary; HCI ensures, in line with LR3.19 that the annual financial statements of the company are distributed to shareholders within 4 months of the year-end of the financial year and at least fifteen business days before the date of the annual general meeting of the Company: For the year under review, in accordance with the JSE Listings Requirements, the Company’s integrated annual report in respect of the period ended 31 March 2022 was released on or before 31 July 2022. In line with LR 4.13(a) the Company complies with S8 and; where applicable would include a paragraph on material uncertainty relating to the going concern or reference to an emphasis of matter. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P5 Prac 10 | |
The board reviews the provisional results, interim results, integrated report and Annual Financial Statements to ensure that all the reporting requirements are sufficiently met in accordance with S 29(1)(a-d) of the Act. The front page of the annual financial statements includes the details as required by S 29((3)(b) i-iv) of the Act; In line with S30(2)(a) of the Act, as a public company the annual financial statements are audited. In line with S30(3) of the Act, the annual financial statements include the following: (1) auditors report; (2) directors report with respect to the state of affairs, the business and profit and loss of the group of the company which includes all material matters and prescribed information. The directors report is approved by the board and signed by an authorised director and is presented to shareholders at the annual general meeting. The board, via its committees, are responsible for all reports and circulars that are published and circulated to shareholders. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P5 Prac 11 | |
The audit committee reviews and approves the basis of determining financial materiality as presented by the external auditors. To ensure transparency, the board and management ensures that all relevant information is included in the reports. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P5 Prac 13 | |
To safeguard the integrity of the integrated report, it is compiled in-house and reviewed by management, the chief executive officer, financial director, external auditors and the committees of the board prior to the final approval of the board. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P5 Prac 14 | |
The governance report has been completed by the Company Secretary using a digital platform solution provided by the Global Platform for Intellectual Property. The quality and degree of implementation is reviewed by the chief executive officer and financial director as well as the audit and risk committee. The board approves the governance report on the recommendation of the audit and risk committee. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P5 Prac 15.a | |
The board has delegated the publication of the integrated report on the website to the Company Secretary. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P5 Prac 15.b | |
The annual financial statements are compiled under the auspices of the financial director, audited by the external auditors and reviewed by the audit committee. The board, as recommended by the audit committee, will place it before the shareholders for approval at the annual general meeting of the company. The board has delegated the publishing of the annual financial statements on the HCI website to the company secretary. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P5 Prac 15.c | |
Principle 6 | The governing body should serve as the focal point and custodian of corporate governance in the organisation. | ||
King IV™ Outcome | King IV™ Reference | ||
In accordance with S 66(1) of the Act, the business of the Company is under the direction of the board of directors, which has the authority to exercise all powers and perform any of the functions of the Company, except to the extent that the Act or the memorandum of incorporation of the Company provides; One of the functions of the audit committee is to oversee the corporate governance of the company. Good corporate governance incorporates best business practices which is aligned with the overall strategic direction of the company. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P6 Prac 1.a | |
The board is fully involved with approving policy and planning. The board manages the strategy of the company; determines if the acquisition is in line with the corporate vision; requests and reviews evaluations, reviews the plans and the risks and the manner in which to mitigate these risks | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P6 Prac 1.b K IV™ P6 Prac 1.c | |
The company keeps minutes of the board and all of its committees in accordance with S 73(6) of the Act. The minutes of the board further includes any declaration of interest or notice made by a director as required by S75 of the Act, and every resolution adopted by the board. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P6 Prac 1.d | |
The board charter is reviewed annually and updated as required. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P6 Prac 2 | |
As per the professional advice policy all directors, are entitled to obtain professional advice. Although S72(9) of the Act refers to only the Social and Ethics Committee, the company pays for all expenses reasonably incurred by the directors in the performance of their functions. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P6 Prac 3 | |
The board has unrestricted access to all company information, records, documents and property subject to a board-approved process. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P6 Prac 4 | |
The board meets at least four times a year. Attendances at these meetings are reported in the integrated report and, where relevant, the annual financial statements. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P6 Prac 5.a | |
The board is satisfied that it has fulfilled its responsibilities in accordance with its charter for the reporting period. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P6 Prac 5.b | |
Principle 7 | The governing body should comprise the appropriate balance of knowledge, skills, experience, diversity and independence for it to discharge its governance role and responsibilities objectively and effectively. | ||
King IV™ Outcome | King IV™ Reference | ||
The board has assumed responsibility, in line with the board charter, for the composition of the board by ensuring diversity, gender parity, skills, knowledge, resources and intelligence to effectively discharge its governance role and responsibilities and carry out all its duties. and, in so doing, ensures that the number of directors and diversity of those elected to the board is sufficient. The directors reside in 4 provinces namely the Western Cape, Eastern Cape, Kwa-Zulu Natal and Gauteng. The board is comprised of directors with specialised knowledge and experience in legal, financial, medical, media, labour relations, business and theological sectors. In accordance with LR3.84(a), there is a clear policy evidencing a clear balance of power and authority at the board of director's level, to ensure that no one director has unfettered powers of decision making. In accordance with LR 3.84(b), the Chairperson is an independent non-executive director in accordance with the King Code. It was therefore not deemed necessary to appoint a lead independent Chairperson; In addition to complying with JSE Listings Requirement 8.63(a), specific corporate governance practices are made mandatory by the JSE as per LR3.84(c). HCI, in accordance with the King Code has appointed an audit committee, remuneration committee and a social and ethics committee; details of these committees are disclosed in the annual reports of the company. The composition of such committees must comply with the Companies Act (as applicable) and should be considered in accordance with the recommended practices in the King Code on an apply and explain basis. Each committee comprises of at least three members. In accordance with LR3.84(d) a brief CV of each director standing for election or re-election at a general meeting or the annual general meeting accompanies the notice of the general meeting or annual general meeting; In accordance with LR 3.84(e) executive directors are involved in the management of the company and are in full-time salaried employment of the company. Non-executive directors are not involved in the day to day management of the business or full-time salaried employees of the company. The independent directors are assessed in accordance with the indicators provided in section 94(4)(a) and (b) of Companies Act 2008 and the King Code. No independent director participates in a share incentive/option scheme. At financial year-end 31 March 2022, the board was comprised of 11 members which include 4 executive directors and 7 non-executive directors, 5 of the non-executive directors are classified as independent. In accordance with LR3.84(f and g), Mr JR Nicolella was appointed as the executive financial director of the Company as of 1 August 2019. The audit committee has, notwithstanding its duties pursuant to section 94 of Companies Act 2008 considered,and satisfied itself of the appropriateness of the expertise and experience of the financial director. Confirmation of such assessment has been reported to the shareholders in the annual financial statements and integrated report. In accordance with LR3.84(i) the board has approved, and implemented a policy on the promotion of gender diversity at board level. The aim of the policy is to ensure that the board has at least 25% of women directors; a target it reached, and maintained, in FY2019. The policy, and the application of the policy in terms of the voluntary targets has been reported to shareholders via the annual financial statements and integrated report. In accordance with LR3.84(j) the board has approved, and implemented a policy on the promotion of race diversity at board level. The aim of the policy is to ensure that the board has a majority of directors which are "black persons" as defined in the Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment Act of 2003, as amended. The board, at year-end 31 March 2024, comprised of 81% black persons. The policy, and the application of the policy in terms of the voluntary targets has been reported to shareholders via the annual financial statements and integrated report. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 6 K IV™ P7 Prac 7.b K IV™ P7 Prac 11 | |
The memorandum of incorporation provides for sufficient appointments to the board of the directors to ensure quorum. A maximum of 12 directors may be appointed to the board of directors. As per S73(5)(b) no vote may be taken without a majority of members being present, either in person or via electronic communication. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 7.d | |
One-third of the board, are elected by shareholders on a rotational basis. Furthermore, directors appointed to the board during the course of the year, retire as directors of the company and stand for election by shareholders in accordance with the Act. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 12 | |
There is no formal succession planning in place for the appointment of executive directors and other senior executives of the Company. An informal plan is in place to ensure continuity and the smooth running of the operations | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 13 | |
The board does not have a separate nomination committee, all new candidates are vetted and approved by the board as a whole. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 14 | |
All members of the board are invited to forward nominations for appointment to the board in the event of a vacancy. All nominations are placed before the board for discussion and approval. Prior to their appointment, procedures are in place to investigate the candidates' backgrounds along the lines of the approach required for listed companies by the JSE, and to ensure that the candidate will add value in terms of diversity, skills, knowledge and experience to the board. A brief CV of each candidate standing for election at the annual general meeting accompanies the notice of annual general meeting. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 15 K IV™ P7 Prac 16.a K IV™ P7 Prac 16.b K IV™ P7 Prac 16.c K IV™ P7 Prac 17 K IV™ P7 Prac 19 | |
Any future non-executive directors are briefed prior to appointment and are required to advise the board on all their other responsibilities and time constraints. A declaration of interests must be submitted, which is updated annually. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 18 | |
Applied in line with JSE listing requirements: Paragraph 3.84(e) | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 20 | |
In line with S66(7) of the Act, a person becomes a director of a company when that person - (a) has been appointed or elected to be an ex offıcio director of the company, subject to subsection (5)(a); and (b) has delivered to the company a written consent to serve as its director. An agreement is concluded with all non-executive directors that includes:
| Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 21 | |
A formal induction program is in place for new directors which includes the distribution of a comprehensive induction pack. This pack includes presentations of the industries in which the company is involved. The board's continuing development programme focuses on improving and keeping the board up-to-date with governance, regulatory and operational developments. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 22 | |
Workshops and seminars are organised as the need arises and per the request of directors. The executive management team and the company secretary are available at all times to assist the directors to carry out their duties | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 23 K IV™ P7 Prac 24 | |
In accordance with LR4.9, all directors must submit to the JSE, via the Company's sponsor, directors declaration forms contained in Schedule 13 within 14 days of appointment to the board. The company must ensure that the directors are free from any conflict of interest between the director's duties to the Company and his/her private interests. In terms of S75(5), an annual declaration of interests is presented to the board. Prior to any discussions on new items, board members are expected to declare their interests, and recuse themselves from the deliberations. Real or perceived conflicts of interest are managed appropriately. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 25 K IV™ P7 Prac 26 | |
The board has applied its mind and has determined, that in line the Act S75(5), the independent directors are not unduly influenced by any relationship which will cause bias in their decision-making, and which is not in the best interest of the Company. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 27 | |
No independent director of the board is either a provider of financial capital or a representative of an organisation providing funding to the company | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 28.a | |
The share-based share scheme is only applicable to executive directors of the board, the non-executive and independent non-executive directors are not recipients of the scheme | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 28.b | |
None of the non-executive director and independent non-executive directors are material personal investors in the company. The shareholding of all directors are including in the remuneration report in the annual financial statements and integrated report. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 28.c | |
None of the independent non-executive directors have been in the employ of the organisation as an executive manager during the preceding three financial years, or is a related party to executive management. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 28.d | |
None of the independent directors has been the designated external auditor responsible for performing the statutory audit for the organisation, or a key member of the audit team of the external audit firm, during the preceding three financial years; | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 28.e | |
None of the independent directors of the board are ongoing advisors to the organisation except as a member of the board. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 28.f | |
None of the members of the board are significant customers or suppliers to the Company | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 28.g | |
A number of the independent directors of the board sit on the board of subsidiary companies as independent directors | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 28.h | |
Management remuneration is contingent on the performance of the group. The remuneration of the non-executive directors is not contingent on the performance of the company - the increase is based on CPI. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 28.i | |
Independent non-executive directors serving for longer than 9 years have been subjected to a rigorous review of their independence and performance to ensure that there is no undue influence that would cause bias in the decision making. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 29 | |
The board is satisfied that the composition of the board reflects the appropriate mix of knowledge, skill, experience, diversity and independence as described in a number of the previous practices. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 30.a | |
The company is committed to B-BBEE. It is both owned by more than 50% of PDI shareholders and its board is representative of this status. The composition of the board is 81% black and has reached its voluntary gender target of 25% women in FY2019 and has maintained this level in FY2023. HCI, received a B-BBEE Level 2 status in July 2023. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 30.b | |
As per LR 7.B.2 the board makes full disclosure regarding the categorisation of individual directors into executive directors, non-executive directors and independent non-executive directors | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 30.c | |
In addition to complying with JSE Listings Requirement 8.63(a) HCI implements specific corporate governance practices and discloses compliance in the annual reports. Independence of directors are assessed in accordance with the indicators provided in S94(4)(a) and (b) of the Act and King Code. None of the independent directors participate in the Company's share incentive scheme. The directors are categorised in the annual reports as executive directors, non-executive directors and independent non-executive directors. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 30.d | |
The qualifications and experience of members are included in the CV's in the integrated report and updated, as required, on the website. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 30.e | |
The CV, as including in the integrated report, includes the director's year of appointment o the board. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 30.f | |
The age of the directors are included on the directors page, with the CV, in the integrated report. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 30.g | |
The qualifications of the directorship and other directorships held in listed companies are included in the integrated report | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 30.h | |
The removal or retirement of a director are disclosed via SENS announcements; the reasons for the resignation of a director is only disclosed by request of the director. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 30.i | |
The board is chaired by Mr Velpahi Elias Mphande, an independent non-executive director. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 31 | |
Mr VE Mphande is an independent non-executive director of the Board. King IV recommends that a lead independent director of the board should be appointed to fulfil specific functions, regardless of the independence of the chairperson. In accordance with Practice 32 of principal 7, the appointment of a lead independent non-executive director is considered necessary particularly where there is a dominant chairperson;to achieve a balance of power; to re-inforce accountability mechanisms and to mediate conflict and dysfunction on the board where the chair is involved. The board does not deem it necessary to appoint a lead independent director:
| Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 32.a K IV™ P7 Prac 32.b K IV™ P7 Prac 32.c K IV™ P7 Prac 32.d K IV™ P7 Prac 32.e K IV™ P7 Prac 32.f | |
The appraisal of the board, the chairperson and the individual directors, is conducted in an open and transparent manner in the form of an open discussion at a board meeting. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 32.g | |
A formal role description exists for the chairperson. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 33 | |
The chairperson is not a former chief executive officer of the company. Mr Copelyn was appointed as chief executive officer of the company in 1997. The chairperson is Mr Mphande, an independent non-executive director. There is a clear division of responsibilities between the chairperson and chief executive officer. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 34 | |
An assessment of the board, the chair and the individual members of the board are carried out in accordance with the King Code. Assessments were carried out in May 2024. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 35 | |
Three independent non-executive directors are members of the audit and risk committee. The independent chair of the board is not a member of the audit and risk committee. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 36.a | |
Three independent non-executive directors are members of the remuneration committee. The independent chair of the board is not a member of the remuneration committee. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 36.b | |
The board does not have a separate nominations committee. There is no formal succession planning in respect of the board of the Company. New members are nominated and placed before the committee as and when the needs arise and these are dependent on the vacancy that has arisen | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 36.c | |
HCI has a combined audit and risk committee. Three independent non-executive directors are members of the audit and risk committee. The independent chair of the board does not sit on the risk and audit committee. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 36.d | |
The social and ethics committee comprises of two independent non-executive directors, one executive director and members of management. The independent chair is not a member of this committee. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 36.e | |
There is a pool of independent directors on the board which have the requisite knowledge to be appointed as an independent chairperson. In the absence of the chairperson at any particular board meeting, an independent director would be appointed by the board to have the opportunity of acting chairperson for that meeting. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 37 | |
The chair is considered to be an independent non-executive director. The independence of a director is determined by his/her commercial relationship with the Company, transactions with the Company and share ownership in the Company as well as the specific provisions of the Corporate Governance standards in Line with the King Code. None of the relationships were deemed to be material and, therefore, is consistent with the determination of independence. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 38.a K IV™ P14 Prac 39.b | |
King III recommended the appointment of a lead independent director in circumstances where the chair was not considered independent. King IV recommends the that a lead independent director of the board should be appointed to fulfil specific functions, regardless of the independence of the chair. The board has applied its mind and has determined that it is not necessary to appoint a lead independent director to strengthen the role of the chair - evaluations of the chair are carried out by the board as a whole and further avenues of communication are not required. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P7 Prac 38.b | |
Principle 8 | The governing body should ensure that its arrangements for delegation within its own structures promote independent judgement, and assist with balance of power and the effective discharge of its duties. | ||
King IV™ Outcome | King IV™ Reference | ||
A governance framework has been implemented between the group and its subsidiary boards. In the case where the subsidiary board is listed on the JSE, special attention is paid to the rules and regulations of the JSE Listing requirements. The governance framework establishes the flow of information between HCI and the subsidiary groups and established committees. Particular attention is given to the need to comply with relevant rules in respect of inside information. The board of HCI acknowledges that a number of the subsidiary companies hold different legal and regulatory requirements depending on the jurisdictions in which they operate. Charters are in place between the board and sub-committees which define its responsibilities. The sub-committees are also structured in such a way so as to promote independent judgement, balance of power and effective discharge of its duties. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 39 K IV™ P8 Prac 40 K IV™ P8 Prac 41 K IV™ P8 Prac 42 K IV™ P8 Prac 43.a | |
The terms of reference of all the board committees deal with the composition; objectives, purpose and activities; delegated authorities - including the extent of power to make decisions; tenure; and reporting mechanism to the board of each committee. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 43.b | |
All members of the board of the company as well as the committees of the board have access to resources and information and may request information directly from management on matters of interest to the board. if required, the directors may take independent advice but this must be authorised by the management of the Company who will advice the member which service provider he / she may use. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 43.f | |
The terms of reference of the committees of the board include the procedures to be followed at the meetings | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 43.g | |
The terms of reference of the audit and risk committee include the arrangements for the evaluation of the committees performance. The terms of reference of the remuneration committee have not yet been updated. The terms of reference for all committees have been updated to include the biannual assessment, instead of an annual assessment, in line with King Code. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 43.h | |
The board of the Company ensures effective collaboration through cross-membership where required; coordinated timing of meetings and avoidance of duplication or fragmented functioning in so far as possible. All committee meetings, as well as board meetings of the subsidiary companies, are coordinated to minimise both the travel and accommodations costs so as to decrease the Company's overall carbon footprint. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 44.a | |
Health and safety is reviewed by both the audit and risk committee as well as the social and ethics committee. The role of the audit and risk committee is to review the legal aspects of any health and safety matters that may arise. The social and ethics committee is positioned to deal with the overall labour environment and the effects thereon of any health and safety infringement and the effects on the immediate stakeholders. Both committees will review the report for matters that may relate to a reputational risk to the company. There is no competing approaches as the 2 independent non-executive directors on the social and ethics committee are also members of the audit and risk committee. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 44.b | |
Each board committee is lead by a different non-executive director of the board. The board of the Company consists of 5 independent non-executive directors (7 non-executive directors in total) which allows for a balanced distribution of power in respect of membership across committees, so that no individual has the ability to dominate decision-making, and no undue reliance is placed on any individual. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 44.c | |
The audit/risk committee members have adequate and appropriate knowledge and skills to execute its duties effectively. The remuneration committee is entitled to obtain independent professional advice at cost of the company on any issue within the ambit of its scope and subject to following a board approved process. The specialised skills of the directors sitting on the social and ethics committee are complimented by members from management and the HCI Foundation to ensure that CSI, environmental and compliance matters to ensure that this committee has all the necessary knowledge and experience to execute its duties effectively. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 45 | |
The audit and risk committee is comprised of three independent non-executive directors; the remuneration committee three independent non-executive directors and the social and ethics committee is comprised of two-independent directors and one executive director as well as representatives from management and the HCI Foundation. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 46 | |
Members of the executive and senior management are invited to attend committee meetings either by standing invitation or on an ad hoc-basis to provide pertinent information and insights in their areas of responsibility. Members of management are requested to recuse themselves from the remuneration committee during the deliberations. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 47 | |
Every member of the governing body is entitled to attend any committee meeting as an observer. However, unless that member is also a member of the committee, the member is not entitled to participate without the consent of the chair; does not have a vote; and is not entitled to fees for such attendance. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 48 | |
The board is accountable for any of the decisions taken by any of the board committees and by any member of the board authorised on its behalf. The board considers all necessary documentation presented by the committee or by the individual board members by the board when any matter is under consideration. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 49 | |
The overall role and associated responsibilities and functions of the committees are included, where necessary, in the terms of reference | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 50.a | |
The names and qualifications of all members of the committees of the board during the period under review, and the period for which they served on the committee are disclosed in the integrated report. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 50.b | |
The names and details of any external advisers who regularly attend or are invited to attend committee meetings are disclosed in the integrated report. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 50.c | |
There is a description in the integrated report of how the committees of the board carried out their functions in the period under review. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 50.d | |
The number of meetings held each year by the board and each board committee and the details of attendance of each director(as applicable) at such meetings are disclosed. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 50.e | |
It is disclosed in the integrated report whether the various committees of the board have satisfied its responsibilities for the year in compliance with the formal terms of reference. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 50.f | |
The board, or committees of the board, have appointed the following external service providers to provide assurance:
| Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 51.a | |
Mazars, the independent auditor, provides assurance on the financial matters pertaining to the group which includes the integrity of the annual financial statements. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 51.b | |
The board has delegated specific responsibilities to the audit committee as set out in the audit and risk committee. The audit committee recommends the financial results to the board, which is ultimately responsibility for the adoption of the results. The board will also approve the release of all results to shareholders (via SENS) and the annual financial statements to be placed before the shareholders at the annual general meeting of shareholders. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 52 | |
The audit and risk committee is satisfied that it dedicates sufficient time to the risk governance of the Company. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 53 | |
The audit and risk committee has regard to all factors and risks that may impact on integrity of the integrated report; e.g. judgments, changes in accounting policies, significant or unusual transactions, factors that may predispose management to present misleading information, any evidence that brings into question any previously published financial information, etc. The audit and risk committee specifically has oversight of financial reporting risks, internal financial controls, fraud risks as these relate to financial reporting and IT risks as these relate to internal reporting. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 54 | |
Audit and risk committee members collectively have knowledge and experience on financial risks, financial and sustainability reporting, and internal controls. The audit and risk committee is chaired by Mohamed Ahmed, a chartered accountant. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 55 | |
All members of the audit and risk committee are independent non-executive directors. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 56 | |
The chairperson of the audit and risk committee is selected by the board. Mohamed Ahmed is an independent non-executive director of the company. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 57 | |
The audit and risk committee meets with the external and internal auditors without management being present at least once a year. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 58 | |
The audit and risk committee defines a policy for non-audit services provided by the external auditor and addresses the provision of non-audit services by the external auditor, and the nature and extent of such services rendered during the financial year; a statement on whether the audit committee is satisfied that the auditor is independent of the company is included in the integrated report. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 59.a.i K IV™ P8 Prac 59.a.ii K IV™ P8 Prac 59.a.iii | |
The audit and risk committee is satisfied that the external auditor is independent of the organisation. The audit partner is rotated every 5-years to ensure independence. Neither the financial director or the chair of the audit and risk committee were previously employed by the external auditing firm. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 59.a.iv | |
The annual financial statement discloses all significant matters that the audit committee has considered in relation to the annual financial statements, and the manner in which these were addressed by the committee. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 59.b | |
The committee has reviewed the separate and consolidated financial statements of the company and is satisfied that they comply with International Financial Reporting Standards and the Companies Act, and that the accounting policies used are appropriate. The review of the financial statements include a review of the legal matters that could have a significant impact on the group’s financial statements and the key audit matters contained in the external audit report. The committee has also reviewed a documented assessment by management of the going concern premise of the company. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 59.c | |
Assessments were performed on the chief audit executive and internal audit arrangements for the period under review. No matters of concern were raised. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 59.d | |
Internal Audit has performed Internal Financial Control Assessments at various subsidiaries within the group in line with the King Code requirements and approved internal audit plans.. The results of these reviews are presented at the Audit and Risk Committee for their noting and consideration. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 59.e | |
The audit and risk committee performs review of the finance function every year; no matters of concern were raised during the period under review. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 59.f | |
There is a drive between Internal and External Audit to collaborate and reduce duplication of assurance efforts with the view of gaining increased coverage over the business. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 59.g | |
The Company has not deemed it necessary to elect a formal nominations committee. The nomination of directors to the board is transparent and a matter considered by the full board of directors which identifies and participates in the selection of board members. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 60.a | |
There is no formal succession planning in respect of the board of the Company. New members are nominated and placed before the committee as and when the needs arise and these are dependent on the vacancy that has arisen. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 60.b | |
The board has found it more appropriate and more advantageous to evaluate the performance of the board in an open and transparent manner by the full board of directors. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 60.c | |
For the period under review, the board was composed of 7 non-executive directors of which 5 are independent non-executive directors, and 4 executive directors. The board therefore comprises 64% non-executive directors of which 71% are independent directors. All nominations are reviewed by the full board of directors, the majority of which are therefore independent. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 61 | |
The board of the Company has allocated the oversight of risk governance to the audit and risk committee which fulfills the function in relation to risk. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 62 | |
The audit and risk committee, which oversees risk, consists of 3 independent non-executive directors. The chief risk officer and financial director attend the meeting as invitees. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 64 | |
The board has allocated oversight of remuneration to a dedicated committee comprising three independent non-executive directors of the board. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 65 K IV™ P8 Prac 69 | |
The board has allocated oversight of remuneration to a dedicated committee comprising of three independent non-executive directors of the board. The chair of the remuneration committee is an independent non-executive director. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 66 K IV™ P8 Prac 67 | |
The establishment of a social and ethics committee is a statutory requirement. The board has appointed a committee to review and report on organisational ethics, responsible corporate citizenship, sustainable development and stakeholder relationships. Environmental issues, labour practices, health and safety, B-BBEE, social investment and compliance are reviewed. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P8 Prac 68 | |
The Social and Ethics Committee comprises of the CEO and 2 independent directors. The CEO of the HCI Foundation, the company secretary and the head of BBEEE and sustainability function are also invited to all meetings. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P8 Prac 70 | |
Principle 9 | The governing body should ensure that the evaluation of its own performance and that of its committees, its chair and its individual members, support continued improvement in its performance and effectiveness. | ||
King IV™ Outcome | King IV™ Reference | ||
The board of directors assume responsibility for the evaluation of its own performance and that of its committees, its chair and its individual members. The board has agreed that the assessments are best conducted by dialogue between all the board members in a transparent and open manner at the board meetings. The audit and committee completes written assessments of the committee, the financial director and the finance team as well as on the external auditors and submits these to the company secretary for review. The first assessment of the internal auditor was conducted during FY2020; the most recent review was carried out at the audit and risk committee meeting held in May 2024. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P9 Prac 71 | |
The chairman's ability to add value, and his performance against what is expected of his role and function is assessed by the board of the Company as a whole. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P9 Prac 72 | |
The board determines it's own role, functions, duties and performance criteria as well as that for the directors on the board and the board committees to serve as a benchmark for performance appraisal. The remuneration committee reviews and assesses the results of the company and that of the executive management team using criteria as laid out in the remuneration policy report. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P9 Prac 73 | |
Evaluations of the board, individual committees' and individual directors' performance are performed every 2 years in accordance with the King Code. All matters arising from these reviews are considering in depth by the board as a whole. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P9 Prac 74 | |
The board of directors assume responsibility for the evaluation of its own performance and that of its committees, its chair and its individual members. The board has agreed that the assessments are best conducted by dialogue between all the board members in a transparent and open manner at the board meetings. Board assessments are therefore carried out in an informal manner, best suited for the board of HCI. The audit and risk committee are managed in a more formal manner and the members of the committee complete written assessments of the committee, the financial director and the finance team as well as on the external auditors and submits these to the company secretary for review. The assessments of the board and its committees are not facilitated externally, as approved by the board of the Company. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P9 Prac 75.a | |
The assessments conducted in May 2024 did not raise any material matters that require remedial action. It was noted that all directors were expected to keep up-to-date with relevant legislation; the Company Secretary continues to forward any relevant matters through to the directors. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P9 Prac 75.b | |
The board of the Company is satisfied that the manner of its informal evaluation process leads to improvements in its performance and effectiveness. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P9 Prac 75.c | |
Principle 10 | The governing body should ensure that the appointment of, and delegation to, management contribute to role clarity and the effective exercise of authority and responsibilities. | ||
King IV™ Outcome | King IV™ Reference | ||
The chief executive officer was appointed by the board of directors. The board is satisfied with the appointment and has not deemed it necessary to make any changes. The board provides input on senior management appointments such as the financial director. The Board assesses the performance of the chief executive officer; the financial director is formally assessed by the audit and risk committee. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P10 Prac 76 | |
The chief executive officer is responsible for:
| Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P10 Prac 77 | |
The chief executive officer is accountable to the board and reports to the board. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P10 Prac 78 | |
The chief executive officer is invited to attend all audit meetings and remuneration meetings but is not a member of these committees. As the board has not constituted a separate nominations committee, and all nominations are approved collectively by the full board, the chief executive officer, is party to the appointments. The chief executive officer recuses himself when conflicts of interest arise, in particular, when his performance and executive management remuneration is discussed. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P10 Prac 79 | |
The chief executive officer is a member of the board of HCI's numerous subsidiary companies. The board reviews the membership of the chief executive officer to other governing bodies outside the organisation that may result in potential conflicts of interests and time constraints but balances these appointments against the opportunity for professional development. The chief executive officer has been appointed to the governing body of Wesgro and stands as a trustee on charitable trusts and chairperson of a private home owners association. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P10 Prac 80 | |
There is no formal succession planning in place for the chief executive officer and other senior executives. An informal plan is in place to ensure continuity and the smooth running of the operations. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P10 Prac 81 | |
The effectiveness of the chief executive officer in respect of his role, responsibilities and authority as determined by the board. The assessment of the chief executive officer was carried out in FY2021 - no issues were raised. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P10 Prac 82 | |
The employment contract of the chief executive officer is in line with normal conditions of employment; there are no contractual conditions relating to termination. A malus and clawback policy has been implemented by the company and included in the contract of the chief executive officer as well as those in senior management. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P10 Prac 83.a | |
The professional commitments of the chief executive officer, including membership of governing bodies outside the organisations, is disclosed on an annual basis. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P10 Prac 83.b | |
The size and nature of the business does not require formal succession planning. The board does not believe there is a key-man dependency at the HCI group. Any of the executive directors at HCI would be able to stand in for the chief executive officer at short notice . The executive directors are all well-informed on the strategy and direction of the group and sit on the boards of the subsidiary companies as non-executive directors. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P10 Prac 83.c | |
The board has set the direction and parameters for the powers which are to be reserved for itself, and those that are to be delegated to management via the chief executive officer; In delegating these powers, the board does not abdicate its responsibilities; The board defines its level of materiality; some are reserved for the board, others delegated to management; The board has oversight of the strategic vision of the company, the decisions taken by the board are implemented by management; and The collective responsibilities of management is vested in the chief executive officer, and therefore the chief executive officer is ultimately responsible for all management functions. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P10 Prac 84 K IV™ P10 Prac 86 | |
In accordance with S66(1) of the Act, HCI has implemented a delegation of authority framework. The independent directors are not authorised to enter into contracts on behalf of the company; this is delegated to management; The board may give ex post facto in the form of ratification by the company of any unauthorised contract entered into by the director. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P10 Prac 85 | |
The chief executive officer and financial director oversee that key management functions are headed by individuals with the necessary competence and authority as delegated by the board. The board of directors of the underlying investments contribute to decisions regarding senior executive appointments in their specific operations. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P10 Prac 87.a K IV™ P10 Prac 89 | |
The chief financial officer and financial director have been authorised to ensure that key management functions are adequately resourced to ensure operational effectiveness. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P10 Prac 87.b | |
The board of directors of the underlying investments contribute to decisions regarding senior executive appointments and succession planning in their specific operations. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P10 Prac 88 | |
The board has access to professional and independent guidance on all matters including corporate governance and its legal duties. Corporate governance has been delegated to the group company secretary who provides professional corporate governance services as required; but the board remains accountable for the corporate governance of the company. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P10 Prac 90 | |
As per S 86(1) the company has appointed a company secretary. HCI Managerial Services Proprietary Limited, a juristic person in accordance with S87(1) of the Act, held the office of the company secretary for the period under review. The company secretary meets the requirements as set out in S84(5) of the Act. The secretarial department is under the supervision of Cheryl Philip (FCIS), in accordance with S86 of the Act, who is empowered, and authorised, to provide corporate governance services to the board and management. The board has evaluated the performance and independence of the company secretary during the period under review and it is satisfied that the company secretary is competent and has the appropriate qualifications and experience required by the group to administer the secretarial obligations of the company. The secretary has an arm’s-length relationship with the board of directors. As per S 88(1) of the Act, the company secretary is accountable to the board. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P10 Prac 91 K IV™ P10 Prac 92 K IV™ P10 Prac 93 K IV™ P10 Prac 94 | |
A resolution confirming the appointment of the company secretary by the board of directors is in place. Although the board of directors is empowered to remove the company secretary, the company secretary has the right to request that the company includes a statement in its annual financial statements, in line with Section 89 (2) of the Companies Act 2008, as amended, setting out the company secretary's contention that led to the removal. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P10 Prac 95 | |
The company secretary has unfettered access to the board (and vice versa) but, for reasons of independence, maintains an arms-length relationship with it and its members; accordingly, the company secretary is not a member of the board in line with L.R.3.84(b). | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P10 Prac 96 | |
The company secretary reports to the board via the chair on all statutory duties and functions performed in connection with the board. On all other administrative matters the company secretary reports directly to the chief financial officer and financial director. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P10 Prac 97 | |
The performance and independence of the company secretary is evaluated annually by the board against agreed performance measures and targets. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P10 Prac 98 | |
In accordance with King Code Prac 99 arrangements are in place for accessing professional corporate governance services. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P10 Prac 99 | |
Principle 11 | The governing body should govern risk in a way that supports the organisation in setting and achieving strategic objectives. | ||
King IV™ Outcome | King IV™ Reference | ||
The board of directors assume responsibility for the governance of risk, as it pertains to strategy, by setting the direction of how the risk is approached and addressed in the company. The board's responsibility for risk governance is expressed in the board charter and risk policy and plan. As an investment holding company, HCI continuously considers the risks and opportunities related to its current portfolio as well as future investments. This process, which is integral in the manner the Company makes decisions and executes these decisions, is led by the executive committee, oversight of risk governance allocated to the audit and risk committee, and supported by the board as a whole. In accordance with S7(g) of the Act, HCI has created conditions suitable conditions for the investment of capital in a range of investments to spread the economic risk. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P11 Prac 1.a K IV™ P11 Prac 1.b K IV™ P11 Prac 2 K IV™ P11 Prac 4.b | |
The board treats risk as integral to the way it makes decisions and executes its duties. The board has approved a policy, developed and implemented a process of risk management that gives direction to the set direction on risk. As HCI is an investment holding company, its subsidiary companies report on subsidiary key risks and responses in terms of their risk management frameworks to the risk and audit committee. The key group risks are reviewed by the audit and risk committee; the board evaluates and agrees to the nature and extent of the risks that it is willing to take to reach its strategic objectives. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P11 Prac 3 | |
The board monitors that risks taken are within the tolerance and appetite levels. The setting of risk tolerance levels is considered at the subsidiary board level. No specific risk tolerance levels have been set at the group level with each investment opportunity being considered on its own merit. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P11 Prac 4.a | |
The board has delegated to management of the subsidiary companies the responsibility to implement a risk management policy and process that assists in achieving company strategic objectives. The subsidiary companies report to the audit and risk committee on a bi-annual basis (with additional exception reporting as may be required). The audit and risk committee considers the risk policy, plan and implementation thereof. At a group level the responsibility for execution of the risk policy and plan rests with the executive committee In accordance with S 192(1)(a), the risk committee has been established to perform its functions impartially and without fear, favour or prejudice. In accordance with S 192(3)(a) the members of the risk committee acknowledge that they must not act in any way that is inconsistent with section 192(1)(a) or expose themselves to any situation in which the risk of a conflict may arise between their responsibilities and any personal financial interest. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P11 Prac 5 | |
The audit and risk committee reviews the risk management progress and maturity of the company, the effectiveness of risk management activities, the key risks facing the company, and the responses to address these key risks. HCI and all subsidiary companies consider the opportunities, associated risks and the effects (positive and negative) of these risks on the objectives and achievements of the company. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P11 Prac 6.a | |
Management demonstrates to the board that the risk responses provide for the identification and exploitation of opportunities to improve the performance of the company. In identifying major risks management actively identifies both the negative impact of the risk on the business, and the positive business opportunities. The company and its subsidiaries concentrate both on minimising the potential negative impact of the risk and exploiting the upside of these risks, resulting in a positive business opportunity or increased sustainability. Risk management is an evolving function and further emphasis on improvement of performance to risk is ongoing. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P11 Prac 6.b | |
The board promotes transparency, accountability and consistency throughout its risk management process by identifying and segregating the roles of management, and utilising all the resources available:
| Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P11 Prac 6.c | |
Executive management of the company, and its subsidiary companies, consider and identify the different options to respond to the risks and includes these in the risk register, updating them, as required. A decision on the future of the investment will be based on this response and can include any one of the following strategic directions to mitigate the risk:
| Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P11 Prac 6.d | |
HCI is a diversified investment company and its core structure is to ensure that the organisation under volatile conditions will continue to provide an adequate return to shareholders as all investments are independent of each other and operate in different sectors of the economy. The investments are primarily based in South Africa which is an investment risk and opportunity. The devastating Covid-19 pandemic however demonstrated a major flaw in the risk management of the company as the threat posed by the pandemic was not anticipated. Many of the company’s primary assets had to close due to the government lock-down. It also brought out the strengths in the group – strong management teams and real diversity of businesses across the group which has allowed the company to remain as a going concern without the need for a rights issue or the closure of any businesses. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P11 Prac 6.e | |
Management provides assurance to the board that the risk management plan is integrated in the daily activities of the company. The external auditor consults with the audit and risk committee, internal audit and the chief risk officer for an understanding of the company's risk management activities, to determine the extent that the external auditor process may rely on the integrity of internal controls. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P11 Prac 6.f | |
In accordance with the King Code, internal audit provides management and the board with assurance on the adequacy and effectiveness of the system of internal controls, risk management and governance practices in place in line with internal audit approved plans. The results of the audits performed at subsidiary level are presented and reported at the HCI audit and risk committee meetings. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P11 Prac 7 | |
The audit and risk committee receives a risk report / review from the chief risk officer at each of its meetings. A summary of the risk register is also included in the board pack. The audit/board receives assurance that the risk process, as planned, is being implemented by management and integrated into the day-to-day activities of the company. The report gives an assessment of the risks of the subsidiary companies, the processes in place to manage and improve the risk management maturity of the company. As with the risk process, the risk reporting structure is amended, as required, by the board. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P11 Prac 8 | |
An overview of the arrangements for governing and managing risk is included in the report of the audit and risk committee in the annual reports uploaded to the company website. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P11 Prac 9.a | |
There is disclosure of any material losses and their causes that the company has suffered for the period under review, the effect that these losses have had on the company and the steps taken by the board and the management to prevent a recurrence. There is disclosure of any current, imminent or envisaged risk that is considered to threaten the long-term sustainability of the company. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P11 Prac 9.b | |
Management of the subsidiary companies continuously monitor the changes to the internal and external risk environment; measures the performance against the risk tolerances; analyses the responses from any changes made to mitigate the risk; and identifies emerging risks. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P11 Prac 9.c | |
The board considers its portfolio of investments and opportunities in any sector of the economy on an on-going basis to ensure shareholder value. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P11 Prac 9.d | |
Principle 12 | The governing body should govern technology and information in a way that supports the organisation setting and achieving its strategic objectives. | ||
King IV™ Outcome | King IV™ Reference | ||
The boards of the subsidiary companies are tasked with establishing the direction for information technology (IT) management, ensuring that policies reflecting this direction are implemented across all subsidiary investment companies, as approved by their respective boards. The HCI executive committee is charged with overseeing IT governance at the head office, including preparedness levels, which are regularly included in risk reports. IT operations within HCI are relatively limited due to the nature of the organization. Regular vulnerability and cyber security assessments are conducted to ensure robust internal and external network protection. The board receives quarterly updates on IT security and governance, facilitating continuous enhancement of cyber-security measures. Transition to cloud-based solutions has facilitated a shift from on-premises to remote working, improving security and disaster recovery capabilities and offering a minimal setup for seamless remote operations. This transition aligns with the organization's strategic needs for efficient and secure IT operations. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P12 Prac 10 K IV™ P12 Prac 15.b K IV™ P12 Prac 15.c | |
The board ensures that an IT charter and policies are established and implemented. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P12 Prac 11 | |
Responsibility for implementing the IT governance framework, including all necessary structures, processes, and mechanisms, is assigned to management. This delegation ensures that the governance framework is executed effectively across the organization, adhering to established best practices and achieving compliance with regulatory requirements. Management is tasked with operationalizing these frameworks to support strategic objectives and maintain system integrity and security. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P12 Prac 12 | |
The board, through ongoing oversight of the IT environment ensures that the IT strategy is integrated with the company's strategic and business processes and aligned with the performance and sustainability objectives of the company. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P12 Prac 13.a | |
IT risks are a core component of the company's overarching risk management activities. These risks are routinely reported and discussed at Board meetings, highlighting the ongoing emphasis on implementing robust controls to mitigate significant technology risks and seize technological opportunities as they arise. At the subsidiary level, HCI consolidates these discussions through a comprehensive risk report that is reviewed at the main Board meetings, ensuring a unified approach to risk oversight across the organization. The Board receives detailed updates on the adequacy of our technology governance framework, including business resilience and disaster recovery strategies, as well as cybersecurity measures. This ensures that the Board is well-informed about the infrastructure in place to safeguard the organization's operational continuity. Furthermore, both management and the Board are acutely aware of the legal risks associated with the management, ownership, and use of technology. These risks could potentially expose the company to legal challenges, emphasizing the importance of rigorous legal compliance. In strict adherence to King IV guidelines, the organization undertakes detailed reviews to verify compliance with all relevant laws, standards, and codes. These reviews are part of a comprehensive strategy to ensure that our technology and information governance not only meets but exceeds the required legal and ethical standards, thereby safeguarding the organization and reinforcing stakeholder confidence. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P12 Prac 13.b | |
Management regularly demonstrates to the board that the company has adequate business resilience arrangements in place for disaster recovery. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P12 Prac 13.c | |
We employ a proactive monitoring approach to continuously oversee our technology and information systems. This approach ensures timely detection and effective response to IT-related risks and opportunities, enhancing our operational resilience and maintaining compliance with industry standards.Through regular audits, automated alerts, and a formalized incident response protocol, we ensure that technology related assets are adequately protected. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P12 Prac 13.d | |
Good governance principles apply to all parties in the supply chain or channel for the acquisition and disposal of IT goods or services. Periodic meetings are held with third party and outsourced providers to assess their performance against approved service level agreements. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P12 Prac 13.e | |
The board oversees the value delivery of IT and monitors the return on investment from significant IT projects (at subsidiary level) both from group and subsidiary level. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P12 Prac 13.f | |
The responsibility for the environmentally responsible and secure disposal of obsolete technology and information rests with management. This process is conducted with strict adherence to environmental sustainability practices and robust data security protocols, ensuring that all disposals minimize ecological impact while protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access or breaches. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P12 Prac 13.g | |
Policies are in place to guide the ethical use of technology and information. IT risks are considered integral to the company’s overall risk management activities, with compliance to applicable laws, standards, and codes being regularly evaluated and updated as necessary. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P12 Prac 13.h | |
The board ensures that the company complies with IT laws and that IT related rules, codes and standards are considered. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P12 Prac 13.i | |
Systems are in place to manage the information assets of the company - information records are the most important information assets as they are evidence of business activities. The systems in place for the management of information assets and performance of data functions allow for timeous availability of information; identification, classification and assignation of sensitive information; management of risks, continuous monitoring of all aspects of the information and the establishment of processes to ensure the maintenance and monitoring of data quality. At subsidiary level, the Board ensures that the governance frameworks oversees the creation, storage, and utilization of information to maximize its value as a vital business asset, and by fostering an environment where intellectual capital is continuously nurtured and protected, the Board ensures it not only supports but drives the organizations strategic objectives and competitive advantage. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P12 Prac 14.a | |
The Board oversees the development and implementation of an Information Security Management System (ISMS) that upholds the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. The effectiveness and adequacy of the ISMS are regularly evaluated through internal and external audits, adhering to established audit plans approved by the Board. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P12 Prac 14.b | |
The board ensures all personal information is treated by the company as an important business asset and adequately protected. A strong emphasis is placed on managing the security and privacy of personal information, complying fully with POPIA through processes and the appointment of an information officer. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P12 Prac 14.c | |
The board ensures that an Information Security Management System is developed, implemented and recorded that ensures security (confidentiality, integrity and availability of information). | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P12 Prac 14.d | |
IT strategy is discussed at board level at the group subsidiaries. The board oversees the management of technology through periodic reports by IT management which focuses on the following:
| Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P12 Prac 15.a | |
Independent assurance on the effectiveness of IT controls is regularly sought, and the audit committee plays a crucial role in monitoring IT compliance, with subsidiaries reporting back through quarterly risk reports. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P12 Prac 16 K IV™ P12 Prac 17.a K IV™ P12 Prac 17.b | |
The board of directors have delegated to management the responsibility to implement and execute an effective IT governance and management framework for the company. Management is responsible to implement all the structures, processes and mechanisms to execute the IT governance framework. The governance framework is implemented to minimise IT risk, deliver value, ensure business continuity and assist the company to manage its IT resources efficiently and cost-effectively. Management advises the board on the implementation of the changes to the IT environment in particular the resilience to adapt to the needs of the company; that the company is protected from IT risks and on any opportunities that have been recognised during implementation. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P12 Prac 17.c | |
The strategic direction for IT at HCI is to maintain continuous alignment with the company's performance and sustainability goals. Presently, HCI is concentrating on refining technology controls and enhancing security measures continuously. At the subsidiary level, as emerging technologies evolve, there is an emphasis on adopting these new technologies to streamline processes. This includes leveraging technological advancements to improve efficiency and instituting good information practices. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P12 Prac 17.d | |
Principle 13 | The governing body should govern compliance with applicable laws and adopted, non-binding rules, codes and standards in a way that supports the organisation being ethical and a good corporate citizen. | ||
King IV™ Outcome | King IV™ Reference | ||
Compliance with laws, rules, regulations and relevant codes is integral to the company's risk management process. The responsibility of the audit and risk committee is to ensure that an appropriate compliance framework is in place, non-compliance is reported and to review significant risk matters. The social and ethics committee has also been mandated to monitor the effectiveness of compliance management in the Group. The board of directors has delegated to management the implementation and executive of the company's effective compliance management in terms of the compliance framework. HCI is in compliance with all the listing requirements of the JSE LR 7.F.5 - implementation of the King Code through the application of the King Code disclosure and application regime; LR 7.F.6 - complies with all requirements pursuant to Listings Requirement 3.84 concerning corporate governance and referencing thereof in the annual reports to shareholders; Paragraph 3.4 of Schedule 3 - a provision is contained in the memorandum of incorporation that HCI complies with the JSE Listing requirements; an annual letter of compliance, signed by the chair, is submitted to the JSE; Paragraph 3.5 of Schedule 3: the memorandum of incorporation includes a provision that any subsidiary of HCI shall not frustrate HCI in any way from compliance with its obligations in terms of the JSE Listings Requirements; In accordance with SLR 1.2 - HCI complies with all Listing Requirements and, in accordance with LR1.20, submits an annual compliance certificate - Schedule 2, form D1 - together with the annual financial statements [pursuant to Listings Requirement 3.19 and 3.21(a)]. HCI is compliant with all the listing requirements in accordance with LR3.1 which includes trading disclosures [LR3.4(b)] ; dealing in prohibited periods [LR 3.69]; and compliance disclosures in annual reports [LR3.84]. HCI complies with the Companies Act: The company has designated the annual filing of the annual returns in terms of S 33(1) of the Act to the company secretary who is responsible for the company’s compliance with the requirements of Part C, and Chapter 3 of the Act. The social and ethics committee The Social and Ethics Committee assists the board in monitoring the company’s performance as a good and responsible corporate citizen. terms of reference of the committee is in accordance with the requirements of section 72(4) to section 72(10) of the Act and Regulation 43(5)(a)(IV); | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P13 Prac 18 | |
The majority of the subsidiaries within the group work within highly regulated environments and legal compliance is paramount to all licence conditions. The board, and the board of the subsidiary companies ensure that the legal compliance policy, as approved by the board, is implemented by management. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control | K IV™ P13 Prac 19 | |
The board has delegated the responsibility for the implementation and execution of compliance management to the relevant boards and management of the subsidiary companies. The board of HCI and its management are represented on all the boards of the subsidiary companies. The subsidiary companies have confirmed that there is sufficient management capacity and controls in place to ensure that all relevant laws and practices are complied with. Feedback on the group's legal and regulatory risks is provided to the audit and risk committee on a regular basis by the chief risk officer. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P13 Prac 20 | |
The board understands, and is aware, that the promotion of a culture of compliance within the group will reduce the risk of violating the rules and regulations that govern the company; the process of compliance can, furthermore, remedy any breach that may have occurred. The board of HCI have a working understanding of the effect of the appropriate legislation, rules, codes and standards on the company and the business. Directors of subsidiary companies are expected to have a deeper grasp of the company on which they sit. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P13 Prac 21.a | |
The board oversees that the compliance policy and system provide for examination of the context of law, and how other applicable laws interact with it. This holistic view of compliance ensures that the group keeps pace with the changing regulatory environment so as to reduce and mitigate the risk, ensure transparency and keep on top of critical related compliance issues. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P13 Prac 21.b | |
The board continually monitors the company's compliance with applicable laws, rules, codes and standards via the social and ethics committee. An annual review of compliance by all subsidiaries is reviewed by the audit and risk committee. The induction or ongoing training programmes of directors incorporate an overview of, and changes to applicable laws, rules, codes and standards. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P13 Prac 21.c | |
The company secretary evaluates the effectiveness of the compliance management of the group. The evaluation is reviewed by the audit and risk committee on an annual basis. In this manner the board exercises ongoing oversight of compliance governance to ensure that:
| Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P13 Prac 22 | |
The group has structures in place for the governance and management of compliance. Governance and financial compliance is overseen by the audit and risk committee. The board has considered the size and structure of the compliance function, and considered it appropriate at the group level. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P13 Prac 23.a | |
Safety, health, environmental and competition laws are all identified as Key Legal Compliance areas and therefore receive the necessary attention on an ongoing basis.
| Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P13 Prac 23.b | |
Monitoring of compliance is a systematic and on-going process to ensure that the compliance framework is effective and that any associated risks and/or breaches in compliance are effectively managed and mitigated. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P13 Prac 23.c | |
There is disclosure of material (or immaterial, but often repeated) regulatory penalties, sanctions or fines for contraventions or non-compliance with statutory obligations that were imposed on the company or any of its directors or officers; or a statement that no such events took place. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P13 Prac 24 | |
Monitoring and compliance inspections by environmental regulators are reviewed by the chief risk officer and disclosed at both the subsidiary board level and to the HCI audit and risk committee. From FY'2024, all environmental issues are reported via the social and ethics committee to the shareholders in the integrated annual report. Timeous disclosure assists in the mitigation of the risk. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P13 Prac 25 | |
Principle 14 | The governing body should ensure that the organisation remunerates fairly, responsibly and transparently so as to promote the achievement of strategic objectives and positive outcomes in the short, medium and long term. | ||
King IV™ Outcome | King IV™ Reference | ||
HCI's remuneration committee is responsible for compensation of all executive directors, senior management as well as non-executive directors at a group level. The executive remuneration is aligned with the company's approach of rewarding senior executives fairly and competitively and in line with value created within the group. Subsidiary boards oversee the remuneration of the management of the subsidiary companies - they are not strictly aligned with the remuneration at the group level, allowing for the various industries in which the group's subsidiaries operate. In line with the memorandum of incorporation HCI (and its subsidiaries) directors may be paid for the services to the company as a director. The remuneration committee of HCI has decided that non-executive directors should be paid a fixed annual fee and not be remunerated by means of a base fee and attendance fee in respect of their board and committee obligations. Furthermore, the fees payable to non-executive directors for obligations at a committee level may not be more 50% of the fixed annual fee regardless of the number of board committees to which they have been appointed. The fees for services rendered by the non-executive directors, as recommended by the board, are approved by a special resolution by shareholders at the annual general meeting of the company each year. Executive directors enter into employment contracts with the company and are provided for by the payment of a guaranteed salary, short-term cash incentive bonus and participation in the long-term incentive scheme. The remuneration policy is fully described in the integrated annual report. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 26 | |
The HCI remuneration policy is set out in the remuneration report of the annual reports. In accordance with LR3.84, the remuneration policies and the implementation report is tabled each year for a separate non-binding advisory vote by shareholders of HCI at the annual general meeting. The remuneration policy report and the remuneration implementation report, which provide insight into the Group’s remuneration practices are tabled for non-binding advisory votes of shareholders at the annual general meeting. In the event that either the remuneration policy or the remuneration implementation report, or both, have been voted against by 25% or more of the voting rights exercised by shareholders at the annual general meeting, the company will formally engage with such dissenting shareholders to understand the reasons for the dissenting votes, and in respect of objections which are legitimate and reasonable to consider amending the remuneration policies or governance processes.n The 3 separate non-binding advisory votes on the remuneration policy and the non-binding advisory vote on the remuneration implementation report was approved by by the requisite number of shareholders at annual general meeting held on the 1 September 2023. As fewer than 25% of shareholders voted against the non-binding remuneration policy resolutions and remuneration implementation report resolution; there was no requirement to engage with shareholders.on the remuneration policies. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 27 | |
The remuneration policy only addresses HCI, rather than the organisation-wide remuneration. The board and management of HCI do not dictate the remuneration policies of the subsidiary companies, which operate in various industries. Remuneration of the management of subsidiary companies include provisions to reward the specialised skills required to operate within a particular business segment. In accordance with the King Code, the board of HCI ensures that the company remunerates fairly, responsibly and transparently so as to promote the achievement of strategic objectives and positive outcomes in the short, medium and long term. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 28.a | |
The board assumes responsibility for the governance of remuneration by setting the direction for how remuneration is approached and addressed by the Company. The remuneration is designed to promote the achievement of strategic objectives within the company's risk appetite. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 28.b | |
The remuneration policy, reflected in the annual bonus paid at HCI includes the provision for the use of performance measures which support positive outcomes across the social, economic and environmental context in which HCI operates. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 28.c | |
The remuneration policy promotes an ethical culture as all employees in HCI, not only the executive directors, are fairly awarded for their services. Long-long term incentives aim to align management interests with those of shareholders, promoting sustainability of its business through ethical culture and responsible corporate citizenship. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 28.d | |
Remuneration levels reflect the contribution and seniority of senior executives. The executive remuneration is aligned with the company’s approach of rewarding senior executives fairly and competitively and in line with value created within the group. The board of HCI ensures that the company remunerates fairly, responsibly and transparently to promote the achievement of strategic objectives and positive outcomes in the short, medium and long term. Executive directors enter into employment contracts with the company and are provided for by the payment of a salary and other benefits. A malus and clawback policy has been approved and implemented by the board, and there are no termination benefits. The remuneration policy only addresses HCI, rather than the organisation-wide remuneration. The board and management of HCI do not dictate the remuneration policies of the subsidiary companies, which operate in various industries. Remuneration of the management of subsidiary companies include provisions to reward the specialised skills required to operate within a business segment. A 6.5% CPI increase was awarded to executive management in April 2024. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 29.a | |
Multiple performance measures are used to avoid manipulation of results or poor business decisions. Short term incentives are based on company performance and sustainability, targets reached, share price and headline earnings of the company across the group, not only at an HCI level.. The remuneration committee considers the results of the evaluation of the chief executive officer and other executive directors, both as a directors and as executives in determining remuneration. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 29.b | |
In accordance with LR 3.84(k) the remuneration report and implementation report is tabled every year for a non-binding advisory vote by shareholders of HCI at the annual general meeting of the company. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 29.c | |
Remuneration policies and practices that address base pay and bonuses, employee contracts, severance and retirement benefits and share-based and other long-term incentive schemes are in place within the group and vary for each operating unit. Senior management at HCI have contracts in place which address remuneration, bonuses and long-term incentive schemes. The remuneration contract of executive management have been updated in line with the malus and clawback policy. The company does not offer any benefits (except for leave) such as medical aid and retirement benefits to senior executives. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 30.a | |
The remuneration policy of HCI includes variable remuneration in the form of bonuses. The bonus structure is dependent on the achievement of the strategic objectives by management and is analysed by using performance measures which support the positive outcomes and the effective use of the capital by the company. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 30.b | |
Employment contracts do not commit the company to pay on termination arising from an executive's failure. There is no automatic vesting of shares on early termination of employment, but rather at the discretion of the board. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 30.c | |
Sign-on, retention and restraint payments are only made if in line with norms of the industry within which the operating unit resides. Employment contracts at HCI do not provide for these payments. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 30.d | |
Provisions in respect of forfeiture of long-term incentives are adequately addressed by the share incentive scheme of HCI. A malus and clawback policy was implemented during FY2020. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 30.e | |
No commissions and allowances are paid at HCI. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 30.f | |
Non-executive directors fees comprise of only a base fee as determined by remuneration policy. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 30.g | |
The board and remuneration committee continuously assess the effectiveness of remuneration policies. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 31 | |
The remuneration report included in the annual reports and presented to shareholders includes a background report. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 32.a | |
The remuneration report includes the following, if applicable:
| Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 32.b | |
The implementation report contains details of all remuneration awarded to individual directors of the board and executive management for the period under review. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 32.c | |
No specific factors are disclosed. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 33.a | |
In the event that the non-binding advisory resolution in respect of the company’s remuneration report or its remuneration policy, as summarised in this report, is voted against by 25% or more of votes cast at the annual general meeting, the board will seek to engage directly with the disapproving shareholders in order to contemplate the reasons for dissent and implement corrective action, if it deems fit. The remuneration policy was split into 3 non-binding advisory votes: 1. Non-binding advisory endorsement of long-term remuneration policy; 2. Non-binding advisory endorsement of short-term remuneration policy; and 3, Non-binding advisory endorsement of guaranteed payment remuneration policy. The non-binding advisory votes on the 3 remuneration policy reports and the non-binding advisory vote on the remuneration implementation report was approved by 86.38%, 93.96%, 98.97% and 95.66% respectively at the annual general meeting held on the 1st September 2023. The voting results were disseminated on SENS on the 1at September 2023. . | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 33.b | |
The key focus areas are addressed in the functions and mandates of the remuneration committee:
The committee has empowered management to ensure that this principal is upheld and to address any remuneration disparities. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 33.c | |
No consultants were appointed during the reporting period by the remuneration committee. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 33.d | |
The committee is satisfied that it has carried out its responsibilities for the year in compliance with its mandate. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 33.e | |
The remuneration will continue its focus to ensure alignment with recommended corporate government practices. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 33.f | |
The goals of remuneration principles are stated and the report clearly identifies the individual elements of the remuneration. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 34.a | |
No termination payments are included in employment contracts, other than leave pay entitlement as prescribed by the Act, which is therefore not applicable. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 34.b | |
The performance criteria used in the determination of the annual bonus is included in the remuneration report. The variable structure meets the company's needs and strategic objectives and are based on outcomes, which are verifiable and relevant. The risk-based monitoring ensures that the remuneration policy does not encourage behaviour that is contrary to the company's risk management strategy. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 34.c | |
Not illustrated. | K IV™ P14 Prac 34.d | ||
The remuneration policy addresses the approach and goals of the executive management of HCI, which is deemed to be fair and responsible. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 34.e | |
The committee takes cognisance of local best remuneration practices in order to ensure that such total remuneration is fair and reasonable to both the employee and the company. The committee utilises the services of independent remuneration consultants to assist in providing guidance on the remuneration for executive management as required. The group’s remuneration philosophy strives to reward employees in a fair and responsible way which ensures a culture of high performance to deliver returns to shareholders through employees who are motivated, engaged and committed. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 34.f | |
The non-executive directors are remunerated by means of a fixed annual fee, rather than a base fee and attendance fee. The fees for non-executive directors are approved by shareholders at the annual general meeting of the company. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 34.g | |
The remuneration policy is included in the annual reports (integrated report, and annual financial statements which are accessible on the company's website. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 34.h | |
The remuneration implementation report includes a detailed account of the total executive remuneration elements in line with LR7.B.7. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 35.a.i | |
The remuneration implementation report meets all the items of disclosure required for awards granted in terms of the HCI Share Employee Scheme, the long-term incentive scheme at HCI , in accordance with LR 7.B.7 | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 35.a.ii | |
The remuneration implementation report includes a detailed account of the disclosure required for awards granted in terms of the short-term incentive scheme at company level in line with LR7.B.7. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 35.a.iii | |
Bonuses payable are discretionary, recommended by the remuneration committee and approved by the board. The committee considers various factors in determining executive bonuses. These include earnings growth of the group and individual subsidiaries, the value created by transactions concluded and implemented and strategic and operational success achieved within the group during the year under review. The maximum bonuses that can be earned by executive management are described in the remuneration report and the bonus paid out is included in the remuneration implementation report. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 35.b | |
The employment contracts do not include termination payments. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 35.c | |
No deviations to the remuneration policy occured during the period under review. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 35.d | |
In terms of the Act S66(8), fees for non-executive directors for their services as directors are submitted for approval by special resolution to shareholders annually at the annual general meeting of the company. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 36 | |
The remuneration policy and the implementation report is tabled every year for separate non-binding advisory votes by shareholders of the issuer at the annual general meeting in accordance with LR 3.84(k) | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 37 | |
In the event that the non-binding advisory resolution in respect of the company’s remuneration report or its remuneration policy, as summarised in the report, is voted against by 25% or more of votes cast at the annual general meeting, the board will seek to engage directly with the disapproving shareholders in order to contemplate the reasons for dissent and implement corrective action, if it deems fit. The non-binding advisory vote on the remuneration policies and the non-binding advisory vote on the remuneration implementation report was approved by the requisite majority of the voting rights exercised at the annual general meeting held on the 1st September 2023. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 38.a K IV™ P14 Prac 39.a | |
As there were no objections to the King Report on Corporate Governance (“King IV”) and the non-binding advisory vote taken at the annual general meeting on 1 September 2023 which passed by the requisite majority no appropriate corrective response was required. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P14 Prac 38.b | |
Principle 15 | The governing body should ensure that assurance services and functions enable an effective control environment, and that these support the integrity of information for internal decision-making and of the organisation's external reports. | ||
King IV™ Outcome | King IV™ Reference | ||
The board of directors, through a mandate to its audit and risk committee, ensures the implementation of the combined assurance model in combining, co-ordinating and aligning assurance activities across the various subsidiaries, business units and lines of assurance. These include:
| Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 40.a K IV™ P15 Prac 40.b | |
The board, supported by the audit and risk committee, ensures an effective control environment which supports the integrity of the company's information. The company's systems of internal control are designed to provide reasonable assurance against material misstatement. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 40.c | |
Internal controls are established not only over financial matters, but also operational, compliance and sustainability issues. The board acknowledges its accountability to its stakeholders to present information that is relevant, accurate and reliable. In this regard it should be noted that HCI follows a combined assurance model, incorporating management, internal audit, risk management and external audit. These controls relate to achieving the company’s strategic objectives within its risk appetite and tolerance levels, across the economic, social and environmental context in which the company operates. The audit and risk committee receives the following reports / information from various assurance providers periodically:
| Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 41 | |
Each subsidiary audit and risk committee has adopted an assurance model / framework to cover the specific subsidiary’s significant risk and material matters through a combination of the following assurance providers and functions: • The subsidiary’s line functions / management who owns and manages risks • The chief risk officer and company secretariat which facilitates and oversees risk management and compliance • Internal auditors, internal fraud examiners and safety process assessors • Independent external assurance providers such as the external auditors • Other external assurance providers such as sustainability and environmental auditors, external actuaries and regulatory bodies The adopted assurance model therefore provides the subsidiary audit and risk committee with a holistic view of risks and controls and whether the mitigations are effective within an established reporting framework. Results of work and pertinent assurance matters are escalated through the group and the group audit and risk committee. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 42.a K IV™ P15 Prac 42.c K IV™ P15 Prac 42.d K IV™ P15 Prac 42.e K IV™ P15 Prac 42.f | |
Each subsidiary works within its own combined assurance framework under the oversight of the respective audit and risk committee. Results of work and pertinent assurance matters are brought to the attention of each respective audit and risk committee and escalated as required through the group. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 42.b | |
The audit and risk committee assesses the reports submitted / output received from the various assurance providers with objectivity and professional scepticism, and applying an enquiring mind, to form their own opinion on the integrity of information and reports, and the degree to which an effective control environment has been achieved. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 43 | |
The board, through the board committees, operates within the confines of the JSE regulations, Companies Act, King IV and framework to integrated reporting to determine the approach and direction of the external reporting. Where appropriate, assurance engagements are planned that provides the committee with assurance on the integrity of the underlying data and the processes followed in compiling specific reports. These assurances are provided by both external and internal audit per internal audit approved plans. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 44 | |
Reliance is placed on appointing appropriate independent assurance providers and their established methodology and approach to providing independent assurance in relation to their scope of work. Both internal aud external audit carry out their mandate through established processes and audit HCI and its subsidiaries' financial and operational information. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 45.a | |
No limitations are imposed on either internal or external assurance providers' reporting of their work and results thereof to respective audiences including functional management, subsidiary executives and audit and risk committees. Reliance is placed on the integirty of the assurance provider, through an established communication plan that is approved by respective audit and risk committees to escalate results of their work appropriately throughout the group. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 45.b | |
Internal audit has established an appropriate framework for reporting the results of their work throughout the group. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 45.c | |
The board and its committees rely on management's knowledge and expertise of the various areas requiring assurance in order to scrutinise and validate the results of all external reports. A statement of assurance is included annually in the integrated report. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 46 K IV™ P15 Prac 47.a K IV™ P15 Prac 47.b | |
GRiPP Advisory are the appointed internal auditors of HCI and its subsidiaries. The internal audit function evaluates the adequacy and effectiveness of the governance, risk management and internal controls within HCI and its subsidiaries. The results of these reviews are presented to both HCI and its subsidiaries' audit and risk committees. An internal audit charter is in place that outlines the purpose, authority and responsibility of the internal audit function. The audit and risk committee has been delegated the responsibility for overseeing that the internal audit services are executed in line with the internal audit charter. The internal audit plan approved by the audit and risk committee and updated as appropriate to ensure that it is responsive to change, is based on an assessment of risk areas identified by internal audit and management, as well as focus areas highlighted by the audit and risk committee and management. It includes activities which support the achievement of an effective internal control environment which supports the integrity of information. The internal audit plans have been designed and approved to cover the system of internal controls over a number of years and cannot therefore be relied upon in any particular year, to provide assurance that all the elements of the system of internal control were operating effectively throughout the year. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 48 | |
An internal audit charter has been drafted and approved that defines the internal audit function's purpose, authority and responsibility. The audit plan, approved by the audit and risk committee is updated regularly to ensure it is responsive to change, is based on an assessment of risk areas identified by internal audit and management, as well as focus areas highlighted by the audit and risk committee and executive management. It includes activities that support the achievement of an effective internal control environment, which in turn supports the integrity of information that is reported. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 49 | |
GRiPP Advisory, the appointed internal auditors, has the necessary skills and resources to the extent that their tools and audit techniques keep pace with the complexity and volume of risk faced by HCI and its subsidiaries. The internal auditors at GRiPP have the necessary technical and business skills to ensure that they are able to effectively challenge issues relating to all the audit facets of the group. The audit and risk committee also regularly assesses whether the necessary arrangements are in place to ensure that adequate skills and resources are in place and that the internal audit function is supplemented as required by specialist skills. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 50 | |
The internal audit function (performed by GRiPP Advisory) is strategically placed to achieve its mandate and objectives. The internal audit function reports functionally to the audit and risk committee and administratively to the group financial director. The internal audit function operates independently from management and has the necessary authority, which includes unrestricted access to meetings, minutes, documentation and risk registers of subsidiaries, business units and functions. The performance of the internal audit function was evaluated by the audit and risk committee during the year under review to ensure that it has the necessary competence and independence. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 51 | |
GRiPP Advisory, the internal audit service provider was appointed, and may be removed, by the audit and risk committee. The chief executive officer of GRiPP Advisory is head of internal audit and reports to the chair of the audit and risk committee on the performance of duties and functions which relate to internal audit. The internal audit charter gives the internal audit service provider direct access to the chief executive officer, the financial director and the chairs of the other board committees. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 52 | |
The Chief Executive Officer (head of the group's internal audit function) has direct access to the chair of the audit and risk committee. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 53 | |
The chief executive officer (head of internal audit) of GRIPP Advisory is not a member of the executive management team of HCI or any of its subsidiaries, and does not vote or make any operational decisions for HCI or any of its subsidiaries. The chief executive officer and / or head of internal audit is invited to attend executive meetings, as necessary, to be informed about strategy and policy decisions and their implementation. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 54 | |
All co-sourced and outsourced arrangements, if required, are facilitated by the chief executive officer of GRIPP Advisory (the appointed internal audit service provider), with approval from the financial director. Where co-sourced or outsourced services are provided, the service provider reports functionally to the chair of the respective subsidiary or group audit and risk committeee. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 55 | |
For the intent and purpose of internal audit services, the outsourced internal audit service provider reports functionally to the chair of the audit and risk committee and administratively with each of the HCI subsidiary businesses. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 56 | |
The board of directors is responsible for the appointment and removal of the internal audit service provider. and is therefore responsible for the appointment and removal of the internal auditor. The performance of the internal audit service provider is assessed annually by the audit and risk committee. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 57 | |
The internal audit service provider follows a risk-based approach to internal auditing. On an annual basis, the internal audit service provider provides the audit and risk committee with a risk-based internal audit plan for approval, which is based on assessment of the company’s and the groups subsidiaries risk profile. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 58.a | |
The internal audit plan, based on the company and its subsidiaries risk profile, also considers requests and input from management and is adaptable when required. All changes to the internal audit plan are presented to the audit and risk committee for approval. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 58.b | |
Internal audit has not provided a written statement regarding the overall effectiveness of HCI. Its statements refer mainly to the listed subsidiaries' governance, risk management and system of internal control limited to their approved scope of work. The internal audit service provider continuously engages with management at the various subsidiaries to enhance the internal audit plan to enable it to provide holistic written assessments.. The assessment regarding internal financial controls for the group’s subsidiaries have been made and reported to both the relevant subsidiary’s audit and risk committee and HCI’s audit and risk committee. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 59 | |
An external assessment must be conducted every five years on GRiPP Advisory as required by The Institute of Internal Auditors' (IIA's) International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards) which require assessment by an outside independent assessor or assessment team An External Quality Assurance Review on GRiPP internal audit services on an outsourced basis was conducted in December 2022. The review was performed by an accredited external quality assessment team and part of audit samples included HCI subsidiary companies. As per the conclusion of the report it was indicated that the Quality Assurance and Improvement Program (QAIP) of GRiPP Advisory acting as the Internal Audit Activity for the above-mentioned subsidiary companies is adequate and effective to ensure General Conformance. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 60 | |
The internal audit function adheres to the Institute of Internal Auditors Standards for Professional Practice of Internal Auditing and Code of Ethics, at a minimum. The function, outsourced to its established subsidiary entity, performs a quality assurance review every five years in line with the Institutes's requirements. The function has received a "general conformance" rating. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P15 Prac 61 | |
Principle 16 | In the execution of its governance role and responsibilities, the governing body should adopt a stakeholder-inclusive approach that balances the needs, interests and expectations of material stakeholders in the best interests of the organisation over time. | ||
King IV™ Outcome | King IV™ Reference | ||
A board policy in respect of the stakeholder relationship has not being formally documented but it is noted that HCI manages stakeholder relationships within the guidelines as set by the Act and the JSE regulations. The board has adopted communication guidelines that support a responsible communication programme in line with the listing obligations of the JSE. The management of stakeholder relationships has been delegated to both the finance team and the company secretary, but the board remains accountable. The board of directors is the ultimate custodian of the company's corporate reputation and stakeholder relationships. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 1 | |
A board policy in respect of the stakeholder relationship has not being formally addressed but it is noted that HCI manages stakeholder relationships within the guidelines as set by the Act and the JSE regulations. The board has delegated the execution of shareholder relationships to management. Through the B-BBEE certification process, and shareholder analysis undertaken on an annual basis, management identifies individual and material stakeholders. Monthly share registers, compiled by Computershare, who administer the HCI share register, are reviewed by management for changes to the material shareholders. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 2 | |
In line with S 94(7)(g) of the Act, the audit committee is responsible to receive and deal appropriately with any stakeholder complaints and disputes, whether from within or outside the company, or on its own initiative, relating to - (i) the accounting practices and internal controls of the company; (ii) the content or auditing of the company’s financial statements; (iii) the internal financial controls of the company; or (iv) any related matter; The board has delegated the development of the strategy to management. To date no stakeholder complaints have been received that has necessitated any dispute resolution. In terms of Regulation 43(2)(a), HCI has appointed a social and ethics committee to perform the functions of this committee. A full report of the social and ethics committee is included in the integrated report. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 3 | |
The oversight of stakeholder relationships is performed by the board as a whole, rather that to only the social and ethics committee in terms of S94(7)(g). The management of stakeholder relationships has been delegated to both the finance team and the company secretary, but the board remains accountable. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 4.a | |
Stakeholders which could materially affect the operations of the company are identified, assessed and dealt with as part of the risk management process by management. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 4.b | |
All risks, including stakeholder risk, are reviewed by the audit and risk committee and the board as a whole | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 4.c | |
The board has adopted communication guidelines that support a responsible communication programme in line with the listing obligations of the JSE: LR3.45 - all announcements are made through SENS in accordance with the Appendix 1 to Section 11 of the listing requirements - all announcements are made in english; LR3.16 - Announcements requiring publication in the press in accordance with the Appendix 1 to Section 11 are published in a widely circulated daily newspaper taking into account the specific composition and demographics of the issuer’s stakeholders, in the reasonable opinion of the issuer, in english. Announcements are made available on HCI's website only after the announcement has been released through SENS. Short-form announcements are published in the press, subject to Listings Requirement 3.46A if the full announcement is placed on the HCI website timeously. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 4.d | |
The gap between stakeholder perceptions and the performance of the company is managed and measured to enhance or protect the company's reputation. The company continuously monitors the effect any decision implemented would have on the company's reputation. In line with LR 3.44 HCI ensures that all the necessary facilities and information are available to enable holders of securities to exercise their rights. In particular it must: (a) inform holders of securities of the holding of meetings that they are entitled to attend; (b) enable them to exercise their right to vote, where applicable; and (c) release announcements and distribute circulars in terms of the Listings Requirements. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 4.e | |
In line with S 26(1) and S26(2) of the Act, HCI acknowledges that any person who holds or has a beneficial interest in any securities issued by HCI has access to specific information as mentioned in S24(3)(b)(c) including directors registers, reports presented at annual general meetings, annual financial statements, as mentioned in section 24(3)(c)(i) and (ii); the notices and minutes of annual meetings, and communications mentioned in section 24(3)(d) and (e) as well as the securities register.. HCI further acknowledges that a person who is not a beneficial shareholder as contemplated in S26(1) has a right to inspect or copy the securities register and/or the register of directors of a company, upon payment of an amount not exceeding the prescribed maximum fee for any such inspection. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 5.a | |
The key focus areas of stakeholder relationships are transparency, accountability and integrity. This includes access to information [S26(1) and (2); disclosure of annual financial statements [S30(3)(d); good governance practices in terms of shareholder practices [S61(7) and S62)] ; resolution fo shareholder disputes [(S94(7)(g) and the appointment of a social and ethics committee in terms of Regulation 43(2)(a). | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 5.b | |
All the requirements in line with the JSE Listing Requirements and the Act are met by HCI, | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 5.c | |
Planned future focus is the approval of a stakeholder policy. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 5.d | |
The board encourages shareholders to attend the annual general meetings and ordinary general meetings of the Company. In line with S 61(7) HCI convenes an annual general meeting every calendar year, but not more than 15 months after the previous annual general meeting; The notice of meeting is distributed to shareholders in accordance with S62 of the Act; the notice of meeting is reviewed by the sponsors prior to distribution to shareholders; In line with S30(3), the annual financial statements, as approved by the board, are presented to the shareholders at the annual general meeting. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 6 | |
The chief executive officer, financial director, chairperson and chairpersons of the audit and risk committee as well as the social and ethics committees are available to answer shareholder's queries at the annual general meeting, although they may be in attendance by virtual participation. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 7 | |
The external audit partner regularly attends the annual general meeting of the Company | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 8 | |
All shareholders are treated equitably. All results and relevant information are disseminated via SENS and placed on the company's website All members are invited to attend the general meetings of the company. Members that attend the general meetings will be privy to more detailed information as the chairman and the chief executive officer generally answer all questions raised in great detail. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 9 | |
The minutes of the annual general meeting and ordinary general meetings are available on request. All voting results from the meetings are disseminated on SENS within 24 hours of the meeting having taken place. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 10 | |
The board of the company assumes responsibility for governance across the group. The chief executive officers of all subsidiary companies are required to submit signed certificates of compliance to the the board, via the social and ethics committee. The chief executive officer and, at least one other director of the company, sits on the board of the subsidiary companies as non-executive directors. In accordance with S66(1), the business and affairs of HCI are under the direction of the board, which has the authority to exercise all powers and perform any of the functions of the company, to the extent that it is permissible in terms of the Act and the Memorandum of Incorporation. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 11 | |
There is a governance framework between the group and its subsidiary boards. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 12 | |
The majority of the larger subsidiary companies are public listed companies which have implemented and adopted their own governance policies, processes and procedures. These companies operate in specific regulatory environments. The public listed entities have all appointed a social and ethics committee [Regulation 43(2)(a)], audit committee [S94]; remuneration committee [King Code] auditor [S90] and company secretary [S86]. In accordance with S72(5) and (6), the wholly-owned private subsidiaries of HCI are exempt from having to appoint a social and ethics committee as the structures at HCI perform this function. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 13 | |
The subsidiary companies are expected to report on their adherence to legislative requirements, standards, codes or polices. Any deviations must be reported to the board of HCI. Each subsidiary company submits an annual confirmation of compliance to HCI. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 14 | |
The holding company recognises and respects the fiduciary duty of the director who represents the holding company on the board of the subsidiary to that subsidiary. In accordance with S 76(2)(a)(i) all HCI directors sitting on the board of directors of subsidiary companies acknowledge that they cannot utilise any information obtained while acting in the capacity of a director on the board of the subsidiary for personal gain, or for any other person. Information obtained may only be used in the interest of that company and its subsidiary companies. Nothwithstanding the above, executive directors that sit on the board of a subsidiary company have a duty of immediate disclosure of information [S 76(2)] to disclose information to the board of HCI, at the earliest practicable opportunity, if he reasonably believes that it is material to the company unless he is bound by a legal or ethical obligation of confidentiality. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 15 | |
The board of the holding company (HCI) is notified of all matters relating to the subsidiary companies and will only interfere with subsidiary governance polices if the matter may result in a reputational risk to HCI or when a subsidiary company requests assistance from HCI, on any matter, not only governance matters. All subsidiary companies are independent companies and it is not the policy of HCI to enforce subsidiary companies to use the services offered by its other investments. Notwithstanding the above, a suppliers club has been initiated within the group which gives all companies in the group access to B-BBEE entities. About 50% of the entities in the suppliers club have a meaningful relationship with HCI. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 16.a | |
There is no delegation of certain responsibilities by the board of a subsidiary to a board committee of HCI although there is an agreed reporting and information sharing-arrangements. HCI has appointed a chief risk officer and a head of internal audit to ensure that all necessary information, including health and safety, is reported to the board of HCI. The private entities in the group do not have their own social and ethics committee - this is permissible in accordance with Regulation 43; the duties are covered by the social and ethics committee of HCI. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 16.b | |
A number of the polices of HCI have been adopted by the subsidiary companies, including conflict of interest and dealing in company securities. All of the subsidiary companies are operational entities and by definition, these companies would require more detailed policies to ensure effective management of their business units. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 16.c | |
The company exercises its rights to elect directors to the board of the subsidiary but consultation takes place by HCI with the chairperson of the subsidiary board prior to nominating a shareholder representative director. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 16.d | |
HCI has modeled the group in such a manner to minimise the overlap of the investment portfolios of each subsidiary based on specific criteria. Information is shared when the investment may be more appropriate for a different subsidiary in the group. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 16.e | |
The board of HCI has not recommended the implementation of a group governance framework across the group. The governance frameworks across the group have been strengthened by utilising the best templates and reporting structures within the group, across the group. Five of the subsidiary companies in the group are public companies listed on the JSE , and the board of directors of these companies have the responsibility to direct the governance framework of these groups, as well as the polices and practices that are implemented. It is further noted that one of the subsidiary companies is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 17 | |
All companies submit annual compliance certificates to the social and ethics committee of HCI. Included in this declaration is confirmation that the company adheres to all the laws of the countries in which it operates which will include the Companies Act, as amended, and the listing requirements of the JSE, as required. As the executive directors of HCI sit on the boards of the subsidiary companies as non-executive directors, they are fully conversant with the corporate governance frameworks at the subsidiary companies via the reports received from the audit committees of the subsidiary companies. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 18 | |
The private wholly-owned subsidiaries of HCI have delegated the responsibilities in line with S43 to the social and ethics committee of HCI. No other responsibilities of any subsidiary companies have been delegated to HCI, the holding company. | Ethical Culture Good Performance Effective Control Legitimacy | K IV™ P16 Prac 19 |